IRC log of #schooltool for Thursday, 2010-02-18

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jelknerok, i know you guys are in the middle of a sprint00:31
jelknerbut i need to ask a few quick questions00:31
jelkneris th1a around?00:31
jelkneri don't see him00:31
jelkneraelkner_, you around, bro?00:31
jelknerreplaceafill, where is everyone?00:31
jelkneri guess either aelkner_ or replaceafill could answer this00:31
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replaceafillaelkner is coming00:32
jelknermy colleague isaac zawolo is starting to use the gradebook00:32
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jelknerhe wants to modify the categories00:32
jelknerthe ST book says you have to login as manager to do that00:32
jelkneris that correct?00:32
jelknerif so, can we file a bug on that?00:33
jelknerteachers will *definitely* want to modify their own categories00:33
aelknerthat's a question for tom00:33
jelkneraelkner, yes, brother00:33
jelknerfine, we'll just file the bug00:33
aelknergood idea00:33
jelknerok, thanks00:33
jelknerlet me ask you this00:33
aelknerassign it to tom00:34
jelknerhow hard would it be to give teachers that power?00:34
aelknerhe'll reassign it00:34
jelknerto add categories00:34
jelknerare categories system wide is my question?00:34
jelknerif so, its a big task00:34
aelknerthat's wy no teacher can change00:34
jelknermore work for you guys00:34
jelknerthat's no good00:34
replaceafilljelkner, you change the categories and you affect all the gradebooks in the system00:34
aelknernot a big task, just a security issue00:34
jelknerteachers don't grade that way00:34
jelknerbad :-(00:35
aelknershould teacher1 be able to reove a catogory that teacher2 is sing?00:35
jelkneri'll file a bug00:35
jelknereach gradebook should have its own categories00:35
jelknerteachers do that stuff totally differently00:35
jelknerit is never system wide00:35
aelknerin theory, we could change the data model00:35
jelknerEnglish teachers have different categories than mMaht teachers00:36
jelknerand so on00:36
aelknerto have categoies by user00:36
jelkneranyway, i'll file the bug00:36
jelknerand show isaac how that works00:36
jelknerand then we'll wait for th1a to respond00:36
aelknerbe sure to explain how you want different teachers to have different categories00:36
aelknerand we can discuss what the implications would be00:37
aelknerdon't be surprised if tom puts a very low priority on it00:37
aelknerbut it's still worth filing the bug as a reference00:37
jelknerwe'll wait for him00:38
jelknerdon't bother trying to predict :-)00:38
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