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replaceafill | hey th1a | 20:31 |
th1a | hi replaceafill. | 20:31 |
replaceafill | do you have time right now? | 20:31 |
th1a | I was just sitting here, staring at XChat, waiting for you to appear. | 20:32 |
th1a | So yes. | 20:32 |
replaceafill | ok | 20:32 |
replaceafill | so, i made little progress yesterday on the fees stories | 20:33 |
replaceafill | i'll probably make more today | 20:33 |
replaceafill | i feel better now | 20:33 |
th1a | Good to hear. | 20:33 |
replaceafill | but i think we could postpone tomorrow meeting | 20:33 |
th1a | OK. | 20:33 |
replaceafill | maybe for monday or tuesday? | 20:33 |
replaceafill | ok | 20:33 |
th1a | Sure. | 20:33 |
replaceafill | regarding the data loss email from Yakub | 20:34 |
replaceafill | can you take that one? | 20:34 |
replaceafill | it's like | 20:34 |
replaceafill | "that's not our problem" | 20:34 |
replaceafill | i mean | 20:34 |
replaceafill | app-wise | 20:34 |
replaceafill | it's a misconfigured cron job | 20:34 |
th1a | Well, the only thing I would suggest (if someone wanted to pay for it), would be just creating a package that essentially only installed the cron entry. | 20:35 |
replaceafill | right | 20:35 |
replaceafill | i've always think we need more console scripts | 20:36 |
replaceafill | the cronjob could be one | 20:36 |
replaceafill | thought* | 20:36 |
replaceafill | but yeah | 20:36 |
th1a | jelkner called me last night. | 20:37 |
th1a | We had a good chat. | 20:37 |
replaceafill | ah | 20:38 |
replaceafill | about the future? | 20:38 |
th1a | Basically, yes. | 20:38 |
th1a | No specific conclusions. | 20:39 |
replaceafill | ok | 20:40 |
th1a | I edited the proposal this morning a bit more. | 20:41 |
th1a | Did you get a chance to look at it? | 20:41 |
replaceafill | "...starting an El Salvador based development company..." | 20:41 |
replaceafill | :/ | 20:41 |
replaceafill | support through june 30... | 20:42 |
th1a | ;-) | 20:42 |
replaceafill | i keep thinking it's not enough th1a | 20:42 |
replaceafill | did you check our invoices? | 20:43 |
replaceafill | what's the current support contract situation? | 20:43 |
th1a | That's just what I was thinking again... | 20:43 |
th1a | give me five minutes. | 20:43 |
replaceafill | ok | 20:43 |
th1a | The ISLI invoice is From August 2015. | 20:48 |
th1a | So through August 2017. | 20:48 |
replaceafill | and the other two? | 20:49 |
th1a | Peas is this fall. | 20:50 |
th1a | Rising... I need to check Quickbooks... | 20:50 |
th1a | It is possible that was all included in pre-paid hours, so no separate support line... | 20:51 |
th1a | Hm... | 20:52 |
th1a | June 15. | 20:52 |
th1a | NO. | 20:53 |
th1a | not that. | 20:53 |
th1a | Grr... | 20:54 |
th1a | Just a sec. | 20:54 |
replaceafill | :) | 20:54 |
th1a | It is just that I have detailed invoices on my Mac and the actual accounting invoices in a Virtual PC. | 20:55 |
th1a | Peas is a little ambiguous because we have a contract date, but it wasn't invoiced until April 2015. So it is either this fall or April, if it mattered. | 20:56 |
replaceafill | ok | 20:56 |
th1a | We don't seem to actually have an invoice line for Rising support, which is good. | 20:56 |
th1a | But essentially, we'd be responsible for bugs until next August. | 20:57 |
replaceafill | ok | 20:58 |
replaceafill | i don't agree with that at all | 20:58 |
replaceafill | but it seems like there's not much we can do | 20:58 |
th1a | I don't understand why you don't think we would be responsible for bugs. | 20:59 |
th1a | Unless they were specific to a school. | 20:59 |
replaceafill | bugs is not support | 20:59 |
replaceafill | i mean | 20:59 |
th1a | Well, yes, it depends on what you're thinking of. | 21:00 |
replaceafill | you're mentioning "activley support ark partners" | 21:00 |
replaceafill | bugs i'm ok with until forever... :/ | 21:00 |
replaceafill | having to answer cron questions | 21:00 |
replaceafill | not so much | 21:00 |
replaceafill | that's what i don't want/like | 21:00 |
th1a | I can do that shit. | 21:00 |
replaceafill | you'll need me | 21:00 |
th1a | Or, much of it. | 21:00 |
replaceafill | and that's what i don't like | 21:01 |
replaceafill | i'll have to be involved somehow in support | 21:01 |
th1a | I'll take out "actively." | 21:01 |
th1a | ;-) | 21:01 |
replaceafill | until you write really detailed documentation on everything we have done | 21:01 |
replaceafill | no | 21:01 |
replaceafill | why don't you specify bug fixing | 21:02 |
replaceafill | only | 21:02 |
th1a | They've already paid for more than that. | 21:02 |
replaceafill | sure, but not as part of this proposal, including all the projects at the same time | 21:03 |
th1a | I mean, they haven't paid enough, given the complexity of the customizations, but that's water under the bridge. | 21:03 |
replaceafill | yeah | 21:03 |
replaceafill | if that's water under the bridge | 21:03 |
replaceafill | i just don't want more water there | 21:03 |
replaceafill | if i understand you correctly peas support will expire soon | 21:04 |
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