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th1a | hi replaceafill. | 17:20 |
replaceafill | hey th1a | 17:20 |
th1a | Fran at least gives us thorough responses. | 17:22 |
replaceafill | yeah | 17:23 |
replaceafill | but i don't think she understands what she's asking for | 17:23 |
replaceafill | picking and merging just the rollover process might be a nightmare | 17:23 |
th1a | OK. | 17:24 |
th1a | Don't worry about that. | 17:24 |
th1a | There are some changes that aren't relevant though? | 17:24 |
th1a | The ISLI specific ones? | 17:25 |
replaceafill | some of them are not ISLI specific | 17:25 |
replaceafill | contact demographics was added to their "core" branch | 17:26 |
replaceafill | it's not used by anyone but Rising (IIRC) | 17:26 |
replaceafill | not ISLI | 17:26 |
th1a | OK... | 17:27 |
th1a | don't take her comments too literally. | 17:27 |
replaceafill | i think we should just go ahead and move them to 2.10 | 17:27 |
replaceafill | all of it | 17:27 |
replaceafill | i see no point in picking stuff up | 17:28 |
th1a | OK. | 17:28 |
replaceafill | but i love her attitude about: we can pick databases while we're there... | 17:29 |
replaceafill | :) | 17:29 |
th1a | Can you use the mukongoro database? | 17:30 |
replaceafill | i guess i have to | 17:30 |
replaceafill | but that's the one with the disappering attendance issue | 17:30 |
th1a | OK, so it is just another variable that might confuse the testing. | 17:31 |
replaceafill | yeah | 17:31 |
th1a | OK. | 17:31 |
th1a | So basically, "Yes, and hopefully the unresolved bug won't pop up and confuse us further." | 17:32 |
replaceafill | oh, it will pop up | 17:32 |
replaceafill | i don't remember exactly if there's *ANY* attendance data left | 17:33 |
th1a | OK. | 17:33 |
th1a | How are you feeling, btw? ;-) | 17:37 |
replaceafill | a *little* better | 17:37 |
th1a | OK. This still looks more to me like an annoyance than a crisis, correct? | 17:38 |
replaceafill | well... | 17:38 |
replaceafill | i'm not in crisis mode (yet) | 17:38 |
th1a | OK. | 17:38 |
th1a | So Proximity is on hold until they make their LMS decision. | 17:39 |
replaceafill | at this point i guess i'm used to her way of doing things | 17:39 |
replaceafill | ok | 17:39 |
th1a | Yeah. | 17:39 |
replaceafill | but we'll invoice them for the person integration, right? | 17:39 |
replaceafill | the first iteration | 17:39 |
th1a | We already did. | 17:39 |
replaceafill | ah ok | 17:39 |
replaceafill | cool | 17:39 |
replaceafill | i understood in our last meeting that we hadn't | 17:40 |
th1a | With them? I did later that day. | 17:40 |
th1a | I didn't cc: you. | 17:40 |
replaceafill | ah ok | 17:41 |
replaceafill | got it | 17:41 |
th1a | Unfortunately, I do have a little curve ball though -- our two-month feedback loop with Denise at Niswonger resumed. She's still having some kind of problem with the reports. I told her to call me today. | 17:41 |
th1a | It is a little difficult to resolve issues when communication is this slow! | 17:42 |
th1a | But anyhow. | 17:42 |
replaceafill | i don't even remember what the issue was | 17:42 |
replaceafill | did you cc me on that? | 17:42 |
th1a | The current email has no info. | 17:42 |
th1a | Remember, the permissions on their custom report is wrong. | 17:42 |
th1a | I believe clerks don't have permission for it. | 17:43 |
replaceafill | ok... | 17:43 |
replaceafill | i can't find her email about that | 17:44 |
th1a | Here's my explanation: | 17:44 |
th1a | "We can chat tomorrow, but after a little testing it seems that we didn't have the permissions quite right for that report. I added you and the other "Clerks" to the "Site Managers" groups, which seems to solve the problem for now. We'll fix the permissions so that people who are "Clerks" can generate the report." | 17:44 |
replaceafill | and did she test it after that? | 17:44 |
th1a | That's what I mean, there was no response until yesterday. | 17:44 |
replaceafill | ah ok | 17:45 |
th1a | But also, from the beginning we needed some feedback on what fields were actually necessary. | 17:45 |
replaceafill | yeah | 17:45 |
th1a | So maybe now it is going to be "Oh, we don't have the fields we need." | 17:45 |
th1a | If it is that, we'll put them off a bit. | 17:46 |
replaceafill | ok | 17:46 |
th1a | I'll let you know if she calls and what the issue is. | 17:46 |
replaceafill | cool | 17:46 |
replaceafill | sometimes i wonder if it's worth i'm in those loops | 17:47 |
replaceafill | anyway | 17:47 |
replaceafill | what's the plan with peas? | 17:47 |
replaceafill | move them entirely to 2.10? | 17:47 |
replaceafill | (and hope for the best...) | 17:47 |
replaceafill | :) | 17:47 |
th1a | Well, I am assuming that you don't see any particular place this is going to break PEAS,. | 17:48 |
th1a | Or are counting on fixing it as part of the job. | 17:48 |
replaceafill | ah yes | 17:48 |
replaceafill | peas needs some adjusting | 17:48 |
replaceafill | removing lots of old code | 17:48 |
th1a | My interpretation of what you're saying is that: | 17:49 |
th1a | 1) picking and choosing will not save time; | 17:49 |
th1a | 2) you just have to grind through a bunch of small adjustments and fit a bunch of stuff back together; | 17:50 |
th1a | 3) and then it should *just work* from their perspective. | 17:50 |
replaceafill | yeah, kind of | 17:50 |
replaceafill | 1) may cost even more time | 17:51 |
th1a | I think you might as well get down to it. | 17:53 |
replaceafill | kk | 17:53 |
th1a | Pace yourself. Remember that they can BACK UP their databases before trying this. Does it happen automatically when you evolve? | 17:53 |
replaceafill | yes | 17:53 |
th1a | (backing up) | 17:53 |
th1a | OK. So just assume some beta testing next week in Uganda. | 17:54 |
th1a | It is just the way it has to be. | 17:54 |
replaceafill | yeah | 17:54 |
replaceafill | sure | 17:54 |
th1a | I'll respond to Fran. | 17:54 |
replaceafill | cool, thanks | 17:54 |
th1a | Don't kill yourself today. | 17:54 |
th1a | Thanks replaceafill. | 17:55 |
replaceafill | ok | 17:55 |
replaceafill | thanks th1a | 17:55 |
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*** circ-user-OIsHF is now known as Conrad_ | 20:44 | |
Conrad_ | hello... anyone there? | 20:44 |
th1a | hi Conrad_. | 21:05 |
Conrad_ | Hello... | 21:05 |
Conrad_ | I;m begining to evaluate SchoolTool for my former Hisgh School | 21:05 |
th1a | Yes, this is Tom Hoffman. | 21:06 |
Conrad_ | I ran into some issues and emailed Tom Hoffman... | 21:06 |
Conrad_ | Tom!!! hehe... I ended up here talking to the openshell folks and remember you have a channrel! | 21:06 |
th1a | Ah. | 21:07 |
th1a | Are you using 14.04? | 21:07 |
Conrad_ | in the process of building a ubuntu 14 virtual box so hopefully no issues. | 21:07 |
th1a | OK, did you have a later version? | 21:07 |
Conrad_ | i think it was 14.04.3 which im downloading again now. | 21:08 |
Conrad_ | will email if I have issues. | 21:08 |
th1a | OK. | 21:10 |
Conrad_ | Installed ok! | 22:52 |
Conrad_ | Thanks! | 22:52 |
Conrad_ | Are their plans for a mobile app? Expecially for attendance. | 22:53 |
th1a | Conrad_: we have one client with an attendance app we're working on syncing with, but nothing else definite at this point. | 23:03 |
Conrad_ | ok. Now starting the evaluation... so will be createing the different user types to get a feel from each perspective. Is the one install the entire app or are there optional "modules"? | 23:08 |
th1a | There aren't any additional modules that aren't customizations. | 23:41 |
th1a | You can, to a degree, uninstall some of the parts if you want. You can also just hide them (recommended). | 23:41 |
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