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*** replaceafill has joined #schooltool | 17:27 | |
th1a | hi replaceafill. | 17:34 |
replaceafill | hey th1a | 17:34 |
th1a | How was your weekend? | 17:35 |
replaceafill | not good | 17:35 |
replaceafill | caught a cold | 17:35 |
replaceafill | it's really cold around here :S | 17:35 |
replaceafill | not as cold as the US ofc | 17:35 |
th1a | Ah... | 17:35 |
replaceafill | but we hit ~11 C | 17:35 |
replaceafill | last nigh | 17:36 |
replaceafill | t | 17:36 |
th1a | Ah, COLD. | 17:36 |
replaceafill | how's providence? | 17:37 |
replaceafill | a lot of snow? | 17:37 |
th1a | We got 6 inches. | 17:39 |
th1a | My parents got more like 20. | 17:39 |
th1a | After last year, six inches seems like nothing. | 17:39 |
replaceafill | :) | 17:39 |
th1a | But it was also Vivian's birthday yesterday, so it was a busy, tiring weekend. | 17:39 |
th1a | Anyhow. | 17:40 |
replaceafill | ah | 17:40 |
th1a | We should try to get an estimate to Proximity. | 17:40 |
th1a | Other than that, I we aren't really on a *tight* schedule for Fran, right? | 17:40 |
replaceafill | right | 17:40 |
replaceafill | we're ok-ish in the ark blueprints | 17:41 |
replaceafill | i didn't do much on friday though | 17:41 |
replaceafill | ok, i'll start with the proximity estimate after the meeting | 17:41 |
th1a | Probably better to rest up than drag along and get really bogged down. | 17:42 |
replaceafill | yeah | 17:42 |
th1a | Are you square on where we are with Prox? | 17:43 |
th1a | We need the days we've worked on "phase 2" (beyond people) already. | 17:44 |
th1a | Plus just handling years/terms? | 17:44 |
th1a | Anything else additional? | 17:44 |
th1a | Oh, the grades? | 17:44 |
replaceafill | yeah | 17:44 |
replaceafill | grades is the missing part | 17:44 |
th1a | Right, it is coming back to me. | 17:44 |
th1a | ;-) | 17:44 |
th1a | OK, so including history for the grades, and a grade report from a certain day. | 17:45 |
th1a | (I mean we have the history anyhow...) | 17:45 |
th1a | I think we should just assume pulling grades is a scheduled task from the schooltool side. | 17:46 |
replaceafill | ok | 17:46 |
replaceafill | are we going to include the course enrollment sync in this phase? | 17:48 |
replaceafill | i mean, in this estimate? | 17:48 |
th1a | Is that completed? | 17:48 |
replaceafill | pretty much, yeah | 17:48 |
th1a | Yes. | 17:48 |
th1a | Everything after syncing people. | 17:48 |
replaceafill | it just needs to handle multi-section courses | 17:48 |
replaceafill | ok | 17:48 |
replaceafill | cool | 17:48 |
replaceafill | anything else? | 17:49 |
replaceafill | doctor says i'm fine btw | 17:50 |
replaceafill | i lost 2 pounds in ~1 month :) | 17:50 |
th1a | Great. | 17:51 |
th1a | That's it. | 17:51 |
replaceafill | kk | 17:51 |
replaceafill | thanks th1a | 17:51 |
* th1a is a little muddle-headed this morning. | 17:51 | |
th1a | thanks replaceafill. | 17:51 |
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replaceafill | th1a, zyt? | 22:10 |
th1a | aye. | 22:10 |
replaceafill | do you have any idea of the report to include in this quote? | 22:10 |
replaceafill | i've estimated: pulling courses, enrollments and grades | 22:10 |
replaceafill | making it automatic | 22:11 |
replaceafill | but i'm not sure about the layout or functionality for the report | 22:11 |
replaceafill | other than "pick a date" | 22:11 |
th1a | I'd say just estimate a report that would run over all the sections meeting on a certain date. | 22:12 |
th1a | Each row would be like... | 22:12 |
th1a | section ID | student ID | current grade | 22:12 |
th1a | What else... well, adding fields if they want them wouldn't be hard. | 22:13 |
replaceafill | what do you mean by "sections meeting on a certain date"? | 22:13 |
th1a | I mean | 22:13 |
th1a | I guess sections for the term that includes the date? | 22:14 |
replaceafill | i don't follow you sorry | 22:15 |
replaceafill | we're making single term sections in ST, right? | 22:15 |
replaceafill | whole year span | 22:15 |
th1a | All I'm saying is the sections that would be relevant/active during the date selected. | 22:16 |
th1a | As opposed to, say, the grades on that date for sections next year or the previous year. | 22:16 |
th1a | I'm not trying to say anything that isn't obvious. | 22:17 |
replaceafill | the report would be year context, right? | 22:17 |
replaceafill | i mean | 22:17 |
replaceafill | would have the year as the context | 22:17 |
replaceafill | since they're using old ST | 22:17 |
replaceafill | it'd be placed under the year page | 22:17 |
th1a | Sure. | 22:17 |
replaceafill | that solves that issue, right? | 22:18 |
replaceafill | we know what sections to get | 22:18 |
th1a | Yes, presumably. | 22:19 |
th1a | That was one of those classic SchoolTool IRC moments where one person is trying to note something obvious and someone else is searching for the hidden meaning... | 22:21 |
replaceafill | :) | 22:21 |
th1a | OK, gotta go get the girls. | 22:23 |
replaceafill | ok | 22:23 |
replaceafill | th1a, ok, doc shared | 22:32 |
th1a | I don't see it replaceafill. | 23:06 |
replaceafill | hhmm | 23:06 |
replaceafill | i shared it with your sielibre account | 23:07 |
th1a | I don't have any notification. | 23:07 |
th1a | Try again? | 23:07 |
replaceafill | now shared it with your gmail | 23:09 |
th1a | That worked. | 23:09 |
th1a | OK, seems simple enough. | 23:10 |
replaceafill | cool | 23:10 |
th1a | Thanks replaceafill. | 23:10 |
replaceafill | kk, thanks th1a | 23:10 |
th1a | I'm hoffman@sielibre, btw. ;-) | 23:11 |
replaceafill | :| | 23:13 |
replaceafill | why do i have a tom@sielibre.com?!??! | 23:13 |
replaceafill | kk | 23:13 |
th1a | Suddenly replaceafill realizes why I've not been answering his emails. | 23:14 |
replaceafill | :)) | 23:14 |
replaceafill | hey i should be cerna@... then :P | 23:14 |
replaceafill | managers... | 23:14 |
th1a | I think you wanted douglas. | 23:14 |
replaceafill | :O | 23:15 |
replaceafill | contacts updated | 23:15 |
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