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replaceafill | hey th1a | 19:31 |
replaceafill | i'm back | 19:31 |
th1a | Hey replaceafill. | 19:41 |
th1a | The meeting this morning went very well. | 19:41 |
replaceafill | cool | 19:42 |
replaceafill | want to discuss it now or until monday? | 19:42 |
th1a | Oh, I'd rather leave it for Monday. | 19:43 |
replaceafill | cool | 19:44 |
th1a | Going over Fran's spreadsheet of the set up process was helpful. | 19:44 |
th1a | Thankfully we agreed to not try to roll over fees. | 19:44 |
replaceafill | :S | 19:44 |
th1a | The other new thing that came up was assessment sets. | 19:44 |
replaceafill | ah ok | 19:45 |
th1a | Ideally that could just be a check box on the add year form (like groups, etc). | 19:45 |
th1a | So if you want to take a look at something, you could look at that. | 19:45 |
replaceafill | add year is something we need to check | 19:45 |
replaceafill | because of membership dates | 19:45 |
replaceafill | it's kind of the same issue | 19:46 |
replaceafill | (implicit today date) | 19:46 |
th1a | Yes, there are a number of date related issues. | 19:46 |
replaceafill | right | 19:46 |
th1a | The main thing is at least we're pretty aware of where the issues always crop up by this point. | 19:46 |
replaceafill | yeah | 19:46 |
th1a | We have the green light to do this next week, unless it ends up being a whole week (billing wise), not counting fixing promotion. | 19:47 |
th1a | Green light money-wise. | 19:47 |
replaceafill | what's estimated in the 3 days? | 19:47 |
replaceafill | fixing promotion = leave only levels (remove groups) | 19:48 |
replaceafill | right? | 19:48 |
replaceafill | well, we can discuss it on monday anyway | 19:48 |
replaceafill | we're back at xls attachments... | 19:49 |
replaceafill | and inline replies... | 19:50 |
th1a | We'll sort it out Monday. | 19:50 |
replaceafill | cool | 19:50 |
th1a | But in brief: | 19:50 |
th1a | for streams, there is going to be an export/import spreadsheet that lets them rejigger streams for the new year. | 19:51 |
th1a | It is a slight modification of the export and no new importer. | 19:51 |
th1a | The biggest new bit will be a spreadsheet template we create for section setup. | 19:51 |
th1a | Where each row is a section, and there will be drop downs for instructor | stream | subject | 19:52 |
th1a | We'll export that with the menus set, and we'll need a new importer for that. | 19:52 |
th1a | But it should be pretty straightforward. | 19:52 |
replaceafill | drop downs in the request view? | 19:53 |
th1a | In the spreadsheet. | 19:54 |
th1a | So each row is | 19:54 |
replaceafill | dropdowns in a spreadsheet? | 19:55 |
th1a | section id | [subject] | [instructor] | [stream] | 19:55 |
replaceafill | hhmm | 19:55 |
th1a | Yeah, we can do that can't we? | 19:55 |
replaceafill | i don't know | 19:55 |
replaceafill | we haven't done it before, right? | 19:55 |
th1a | It would help if I knew what you call that in Excel. | 19:57 |
replaceafill | form controls? | 19:57 |
replaceafill | https://help.libreoffice.org/Common/Form_Controls | 19:58 |
th1a | https://support.office.com/en-us/article/Create-a-drop-down-list-7693307a-59ef-400a-b769-c5402dce407b | 19:58 |
replaceafill | yeah, i know it's possible | 19:59 |
replaceafill | but i don't think xlwt supports that | 19:59 |
th1a | Hm. | 19:59 |
th1a | OK, we might have to do this in a web form then. | 19:59 |
replaceafill | probably | 19:59 |
th1a | I just thought it was more the kind of thing you'd like to be able to take your time setting up offline. | 20:00 |
replaceafill | http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11937746/programatically-creating-a-xls-with-a-drop-down-cell-in-python | 20:01 |
th1a | Nothing in Python seems to do what I need - gonna use Perl, | 20:02 |
replaceafill | you just need the right library: | 20:02 |
replaceafill | https://pypi.python.org/pypi/XlsxWriter/0.7.7 | 20:02 |
th1a | Yeah, I know. | 20:02 |
th1a | Well... it isn't a must from Fran's point of view, but we both thought doing it in a spreadsheet might be somewhat preferable. | 20:03 |
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replaceafill | oops sorry wrong window | 20:04 |
th1a | Anyhow, that can just be a form, which is probably quicker anyhow. | 20:05 |
replaceafill | ok | 20:05 |
replaceafill | if you could create a quick mock for that, that would be great | 20:06 |
replaceafill | i don't see it | 20:06 |
replaceafill | i mean, what's the stream doing in the row | 20:06 |
replaceafill | what's the goal of the export? | 20:07 |
replaceafill | i'll write my questions | 20:07 |
replaceafill | and we can take it back on monday | 20:07 |
th1a | You're setting up sections, right? | 20:07 |
replaceafill | right | 20:07 |
th1a | each section needs an id, connections to: subject, instructor, stream (students). | 20:08 |
th1a | It is just like a batch form, so you can create several sections at once. | 20:09 |
replaceafill | what about the term? | 20:09 |
th1a | Oh, however they do that. | 20:09 |
th1a | It is looking like this task won't be done before Christmas. | 20:10 |
th1a | We'll have to bounce this back off Fran, because there are a few different approachers. | 20:10 |
replaceafill | ok | 20:10 |
th1a | I think their sections go all year. | 20:10 |
replaceafill | ok | 20:12 |
th1a | Holding off until after Christmas is not a problem. | 20:12 |
replaceafill | they need this in production by february, right? | 20:12 |
th1a | Yeah. | 20:13 |
replaceafill | ok | 20:13 |
th1a | But we would be doing this and the dashboard first in January. | 20:13 |
replaceafill | ok | 20:13 |
replaceafill | by "Main add school year - roll over form", Fran means the "add school year form", right? | 20:14 |
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th1a | Yes. | 20:15 |
replaceafill | ok | 20:15 |
replaceafill | ok, from me, finished packaging the fixes | 20:16 |
replaceafill | will document the changes needed in journey for the new year | 20:16 |
replaceafill | that'll be needed for rising | 20:17 |
replaceafill | it's just the streams => study groups | 20:17 |
th1a | OK. | 20:17 |
* replaceafill done | 20:17 | |
th1a | OK, thanks replaceafill. | 20:18 |
th1a | Have a good weekend. | 20:18 |
replaceafill | remind me of us discussing my schedule for next year | 20:18 |
th1a | OK, I will. | 20:19 |
replaceafill | thanks | 20:19 |
replaceafill | ok, thanks th1a | 20:19 |
th1a | replaceafill, ayt? | 21:42 |
replaceafill | th1a, yeah | 21:45 |
th1a | Did you see my email to Denise at Niswonger? I created a user who was only a clerk and didn't see their report. | 21:46 |
replaceafill | ah yes | 21:46 |
replaceafill | it's a missing allow directive | 21:46 |
replaceafill | (i think) | 21:46 |
th1a | These things can take a long time to diagnose with not very engaged clients! | 21:47 |
replaceafill | this is what i asked you a few months agon | 21:48 |
replaceafill | ago* | 21:48 |
replaceafill | we (*i*) | 21:48 |
replaceafill | don't have a... i don't know... policy? | 21:48 |
th1a | ? | 21:48 |
replaceafill | like categorizing views or links | 21:48 |
th1a | Clerks can run reports. | 21:48 |
replaceafill | that's a policy | 21:49 |
replaceafill | which i didn't know... | 21:49 |
replaceafill | :( | 21:49 |
replaceafill | we don't have that documented anywhere | 21:49 |
replaceafill | but at some point, i can see Fran asking for a report only for the school administrator | 21:49 |
th1a | Clerks - This group is responsible for day to day school-level data entry, data management and reporting. | 21:49 |
replaceafill | i guess that's an exception in that case | 21:49 |
th1a | Well, Fran doesn't know the policy. | 21:50 |
replaceafill | my point is that if i create a view for certain action | 21:50 |
th1a | http://book.schooltool.org/roles.html#roles | 21:50 |
replaceafill | my common sense is not enough to categorize the functionality per role | 21:50 |
replaceafill | the journey sync for instance | 21:50 |
replaceafill | who is the sync for? | 21:51 |
th1a | ? | 21:51 |
replaceafill | can i use the roles page to decide that | 21:51 |
th1a | You mean, who manages it? | 21:51 |
replaceafill | yeah, site managers right? | 21:52 |
replaceafill | according to: | 21:52 |
th1a | Yes. | 21:52 |
replaceafill | "technical maintenance" | 21:52 |
th1a | Yes. | 21:52 |
replaceafill | i guess we do have the documentation | 21:52 |
replaceafill | it's just the app that doesn't respect it in several places | 21:52 |
replaceafill | for instance messages | 21:52 |
replaceafill | i've noticed manager cannot see messages | 21:53 |
replaceafill | only owners can apparently | 21:53 |
th1a | The manager cannot see everyone's messages? | 21:53 |
replaceafill | some messages | 21:53 |
replaceafill | i don't remember off the top of my head | 21:54 |
replaceafill | oh | 21:54 |
replaceafill | it was failures | 21:54 |
replaceafill | and i think i saw it in niswonger | 21:54 |
replaceafill | in denise user | 21:54 |
replaceafill | i'll try to follow the roles page more carefully | 21:55 |
th1a | Yes... as always, don't read too much intention into every decision put into code over the past 12 years. | 21:55 |
replaceafill | :D | 21:56 |
th1a | Anyhow, there is no immediate rush to fix this, but it would be good to do so before Christmas, I'd say. | 22:00 |
replaceafill | ok | 22:01 |
replaceafill | it shouldn't take long either | 22:02 |
th1a | Right. | 22:02 |
th1a | OK, I told Julia I'd start putting the lights on the Christmas tree... | 22:04 |
replaceafill | :) | 22:06 |
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