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th1a | hi replaceafill. | 16:33 |
th1a | Did you get any sleep last night? | 16:33 |
replaceafill | hey th1a | 16:33 |
replaceafill | i got up early | 16:33 |
replaceafill | merging the skip flag to the attendance score systems was more difficult than i expected | 16:34 |
th1a | OK. | 16:35 |
th1a | Ah. | 16:35 |
replaceafill | color coding works now in xls reports | 16:35 |
th1a | We haven't been having too many unpleasant surprises lately at least. | 16:35 |
* replaceafill is preparing his camera/headphones | 16:37 | |
th1a | I'm really just testing mine. | 16:38 |
th1a | I don't remember how to properly test that... | 16:38 |
th1a | Do you have any reports color coded beyond the ones you sent earlier? | 16:40 |
replaceafill | no, not yet | 16:40 |
th1a | OK. | 16:41 |
th1a | Can you change the fonts with xlwt? | 16:41 |
replaceafill | font family? | 16:42 |
th1a | Well, bold, etc moreso. | 16:44 |
replaceafill | ah | 16:44 |
replaceafill | yes | 16:44 |
replaceafill | i just set backgrounds for now | 16:44 |
replaceafill | and some cell merges | 16:44 |
th1a | I'm just never sure what xlwt can do. | 16:45 |
th1a | I should probably read up on it a bit. | 16:46 |
replaceafill | so far the only thing it cannot do it's notes | 16:47 |
replaceafill | or comments | 16:47 |
replaceafill | or whatever that's called in excel | 16:47 |
th1a | Ah, ok. | 16:48 |
replaceafill | those could be useful for explaining what columns are, etc | 16:48 |
th1a | Yeah. | 16:49 |
th1a | I just get uptight because they want these to be visual reports, and it makes my skin crawl a bit to have to draw them in Excel. | 16:50 |
replaceafill | :) | 16:50 |
th1a | OK, so what are we going over here... | 16:53 |
th1a | Sorry I'm feeling a little scattered. | 16:53 |
replaceafill | assesment? | 16:53 |
th1a | Are we demoing the whole UCE thing? | 16:54 |
th1a | Do we have a demo instance up? | 16:54 |
replaceafill | no | 16:55 |
replaceafill | i switched to the xls reports yesterday | 16:55 |
replaceafill | my main question for today | 16:55 |
replaceafill | it's about the report sheets | 16:55 |
replaceafill | are we going to use report sheets, course worksheets, regular worksheets, etc | 16:56 |
th1a | OK, this is a progress report, not a demo, fine. | 16:56 |
th1a | Right, we hadn't decided that. | 16:56 |
th1a | Can we show here the UCE input on screenshare? | 16:57 |
th1a | her | 16:57 |
replaceafill | they'll probably ask about packaging situation | 16:57 |
replaceafill | hhmm sorry it's not fully usable | 16:57 |
th1a | OK. | 16:58 |
replaceafill | i can send a couple of screenshots with the reports | 16:58 |
th1a | It is fine. | 16:58 |
* replaceafill also feels scattered | 16:58 | |
th1a | I mean, basically on our end a number of things are coming together, almost done. | 16:58 |
replaceafill | yeah | 16:59 |
th1a | I think we're settling on creating BOT, MOT, EOT worksheets that we can pull the averages from, although she may want them calculated a little differently. | 17:00 |
th1a | I guess they may want an average of the averages? Not an overall point average. | 17:00 |
replaceafill | i hope we get that decided today | 17:00 |
th1a | Yeah... | 17:00 |
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th1a | OK... so. | 18:03 |
th1a | Actually, let's take 10 minutes... when do you need to go? | 18:03 |
replaceafill | in about 1 hour | 18:04 |
replaceafill | i'll go get some coffee | 18:04 |
th1a | I'm out of coffee! | 18:04 |
replaceafill | :| | 18:04 |
replaceafill | i'm out of pressure pills! | 18:04 |
replaceafill | but not of coffee ;) | 18:04 |
th1a | I'm back. | 18:17 |
replaceafill | sorry th1a | 18:27 |
replaceafill | went to the bathroom | 18:27 |
replaceafill | :) | 18:27 |
replaceafill | ok, so | 18:27 |
replaceafill | you took some notes, right? | 18:27 |
th1a | notes?!? | 18:28 |
th1a | Yes. | 18:28 |
th1a | I'm mostly worried about how to approach the not-quite report sheets for BOT/MOT/EOT. | 18:29 |
replaceafill | and how to link that to the report card... | 18:29 |
replaceafill | i think we'll need a new report anyway | 18:29 |
th1a | Probably. | 18:30 |
th1a | Anyhow. | 18:30 |
th1a | I guess it is partly whether they should be fully editable report sheets or just specially titled worksheets. | 18:30 |
th1a | Which is easiest & most robust. | 18:31 |
th1a | I don't have a strong preference -- editable report sheets would probably be sturdier. | 18:31 |
replaceafill | i don't see the benefit of report sheets | 18:33 |
replaceafill | if you don't use layouts | 18:33 |
replaceafill | report card layouts | 18:33 |
th1a | Well, mostly they can't be deleted, I suppose. | 18:33 |
th1a | I guess there is also the: | 18:34 |
th1a | 1) undeletable worksheets identified by __name__ | 18:34 |
th1a | or | 18:34 |
th1a | 2) deletable worksheets identified by title. | 18:34 |
replaceafill | titles seem fragile | 18:35 |
replaceafill | and we can control __name__ i guess | 18:36 |
replaceafill | and the user can't | 18:36 |
th1a | Yeah, definitely. | 18:37 |
th1a | I guess it is just a matter of how much of a pain making undeletable worksheets is. | 18:37 |
replaceafill | are quick hacks allowed? :) | 18:38 |
th1a | Well, how do report sheets do it? | 18:39 |
replaceafill | they carry an attribute | 18:39 |
replaceafill | and the options are hidden iirc | 18:39 |
th1a | I mean, if we can just deploy worksheets with the same attribute. | 18:40 |
replaceafill | yeah | 18:42 |
replaceafill | also, we don't allow to delete worksheets | 18:42 |
replaceafill | right? | 18:42 |
replaceafill | just hide them | 18:43 |
th1a | Oh shit! | 18:43 |
replaceafill | we don't have to get into it right now | 18:43 |
replaceafill | but | 18:43 |
replaceafill | i've never understood | 18:43 |
th1a | Well right, it isn't a problem at all then! | 18:43 |
replaceafill | why we hid worksheets, but we allow to delete activities! | 18:44 |
th1a | You never understood what I was talking about? | 18:44 |
replaceafill | hide* | 18:44 |
replaceafill | no | 18:44 |
th1a | Yeah, ok, so this is a non-issue. | 18:44 |
replaceafill | i've never understood why ST works that way | 18:44 |
replaceafill | yeah | 18:44 |
th1a | Probably a momentary expedient. | 18:44 |
replaceafill | even if they hide it | 18:44 |
replaceafill | the sheet it's still there | 18:44 |
replaceafill | and the report can get to it | 18:44 |
th1a | Yes, ok, great! | 18:44 |
th1a | We're so smart! | 18:44 |
replaceafill | great!!! | 18:44 |
replaceafill | :)) | 18:44 |
replaceafill | you're a genius!!! | 18:45 |
th1a | Sorry I spaced on that. | 18:45 |
replaceafill | (quoting the css guy) | 18:45 |
replaceafill | ah np | 18:45 |
replaceafill | i usually need to look at the code to remember how things work | 18:45 |
replaceafill | i guess it's because we don't eat our own dog food... | 18:45 |
replaceafill | (that's the right saying, right?) | 18:45 |
th1a | I haven't been doing a lot of grading. | 18:46 |
th1a | Recreational pretend grades. | 18:47 |
replaceafill | :) | 18:47 |
th1a | OK, otherwise, my notes... | 18:48 |
th1a | Courses need to be tranlsated as subjects? | 18:48 |
replaceafill | we said we're hardcoding that, right? | 18:48 |
th1a | As a translation or? | 18:49 |
replaceafill | no, a dictionary | 18:49 |
replaceafill | that's for the UCE only? | 18:49 |
replaceafill | UCE form | 18:49 |
th1a | No, I think in general. | 18:51 |
replaceafill | oh right | 18:51 |
replaceafill | we need them as filters | 18:51 |
replaceafill | for some reports | 18:51 |
replaceafill | we just need to save the course code <-> subject mapping, right? | 18:53 |
th1a | I thought she literally meant the word "Course" in the interface should be translated as "Subject" everywhere. | 18:54 |
replaceafill | oh | 18:55 |
replaceafill | ok | 18:55 |
replaceafill | i'm talking about something different then, sorry | 18:55 |
th1a | np | 18:56 |
replaceafill | for that we can use a translation | 18:56 |
th1a | OK. | 18:56 |
replaceafill | i thought it was the Math vs Mathematics situation | 18:57 |
replaceafill | Math (as a course title) and Mathematics (as a subject title) | 18:57 |
replaceafill | never mind | 18:57 |
th1a | OK. | 18:57 |
th1a | Well, got that straightened out. | 18:58 |
th1a | PEAS Regions... | 18:58 |
th1a | Can we store that on the school level? | 18:58 |
th1a | Schools still are metadata poor... | 18:58 |
replaceafill | same with the school code, right? | 18:59 |
th1a | Yeah. | 18:59 |
replaceafill | sure | 18:59 |
th1a | Oh, school information. | 18:59 |
th1a | It can just go there. | 18:59 |
replaceafill | extend the preferences | 18:59 |
replaceafill | yeah | 18:59 |
th1a | OK. | 18:59 |
th1a | I have the report image to send. | 19:01 |
replaceafill | report card? | 19:01 |
th1a | Yeah. | 19:01 |
replaceafill | ok | 19:01 |
th1a | I think target can be a report sheet with one activity? | 19:02 |
replaceafill | yeah | 19:02 |
th1a | OK. | 19:03 |
th1a | It does not seem like it is a problem to invoice any final "extras" here, so we should keep track of that. | 19:04 |
replaceafill | ah yes | 19:04 |
replaceafill | i was going to ask you about that | 19:04 |
replaceafill | what are we going to consider extra? | 19:04 |
th1a | It seems like she has the budget for it. | 19:04 |
th1a | Well, anything beyond that spreadsheet we were looking at. | 19:04 |
th1a | And if we can say "Adding these 5 little things at the end took half a day" fine. | 19:05 |
replaceafill | ok | 19:05 |
th1a | She's not going to jerk us around, and if we're not billing for these meetings this time around, we're certainly not taking advantage. | 19:05 |
replaceafill | ok | 19:06 |
replaceafill | so, can we sum up the sheets situation? | 19:07 |
replaceafill | we need 3 for BOT, MOT, EOT, right? | 19:07 |
replaceafill | regular sheets | 19:07 |
replaceafill | with deployed attribute set | 19:07 |
th1a | Ah, so yes, maybe this is a simple form. | 19:07 |
th1a | It seems like we have to let the school make an initial choice for the year. | 19:07 |
th1a | Check BOT/MOT/EOT | 19:07 |
replaceafill | ah ok | 19:07 |
th1a | Maybe it is sufficient to have and extra one that you can add the title to yourself. | 19:08 |
th1a | (rather than an arbitrary number of additional ones) | 19:08 |
th1a | Rather than replicating the whole complexity of the report sheet system. | 19:08 |
th1a | The Target report sheet could be added here too. | 19:09 |
replaceafill | as an option? | 19:09 |
th1a | Yeah. | 19:10 |
replaceafill | ok | 19:10 |
replaceafill | could you make a mock for it? | 19:10 |
replaceafill | so, we take averages from all of those sheets | 19:12 |
th1a | Yeah. | 19:13 |
replaceafill | and use them in the reports | 19:13 |
replaceafill | what about the two MOCK variants and the UCE sheet? | 19:13 |
th1a | Teachers won't get a UCE sheet. | 19:14 |
th1a | What are the MOCK variants again? | 19:14 |
replaceafill | MOCK - PEAS, MOCK - OTHER | 19:14 |
replaceafill | ok, i need to go get Camila th1a | 19:16 |
replaceafill | want to continue in the afternoon? | 19:16 |
replaceafill | or wait until tomorrow? | 19:16 |
th1a | I'll be around. | 19:18 |
th1a | I'll catch you later if necessary. | 19:18 |
replaceafill | cool | 19:18 |
replaceafill | see you later | 19:18 |
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