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th1a | hi replaceafill. | 16:33 |
replaceafill | hey th1a | 16:33 |
th1a | OK, looking at Fran's email. | 16:35 |
* replaceafill too | 16:35 | |
th1a | Ah I forgot the mockup. | 16:35 |
th1a | OK, I'll do that right after the meeting. | 16:37 |
replaceafill | ok | 16:37 |
th1a | Also I'm not clear on who is adding the extra things to the BOT and EOT. | 16:38 |
replaceafill | extra things? | 16:39 |
th1a | Additional activities. | 16:41 |
replaceafill | ah got it | 16:41 |
replaceafill | right | 16:41 |
th1a | Oops, I reversed the re-organization of the teacher activity. | 16:42 |
th1a | Or, did I... | 16:42 |
th1a | If you have the book for a section... | 16:43 |
th1a | Hm... | 16:44 |
th1a | OK, so I guess this is a simple form. | 16:44 |
replaceafill | i think the student notebook has several teachers | 16:44 |
replaceafill | listed | 16:44 |
th1a | Right. | 16:44 |
th1a | I forgot about that. | 16:44 |
th1a | Well, I tell you what we're probably going to end up with. | 16:44 |
th1a | By the deadline. | 16:44 |
th1a | We should be able to record the absences/presences, but generating accurate reports from them will be a bitch. | 16:45 |
replaceafill | performance-wise? | 16:46 |
th1a | Just tricky. | 16:46 |
th1a | I guess it also depends on if the form is supposed to know who is supposed to have been in the section. | 16:47 |
th1a | It really has to. | 16:47 |
th1a | Otherwise the students don't know who failed to show up. | 16:47 |
th1a | If you follow me. | 16:48 |
th1a | I mean, taking into account subs. | 16:48 |
replaceafill | ah, got it | 16:48 |
replaceafill | hhmm | 16:48 |
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th1a | I guess I'm partly just worried that fetching the scheduled sub might not be straightforwardly supported in the API. | 16:49 |
replaceafill | right | 16:51 |
replaceafill | we know that a person is supposed to be an instructor | 16:51 |
replaceafill | that's API | 16:51 |
replaceafill | the API doesn't tell if the person is a main or sub teacher though | 16:51 |
th1a | Does the API give us the correct instructor for a given meeting of the section? | 16:52 |
replaceafill | yes | 16:52 |
replaceafill | oh wait | 16:53 |
replaceafill | sorry i'm thinking about teacher enrollment states | 16:53 |
replaceafill | this should take the journal into account | 16:53 |
replaceafill | i mean, journal periods | 16:53 |
th1a | Does that work already? | 16:55 |
th1a | I'm just don't know what things may have been left unwired behind the scenes. | 16:55 |
replaceafill | no, current teacher attendance uses a single requirement (like the period) | 16:55 |
replaceafill | for each day | 16:55 |
replaceafill | here we'll use periods from the section schedule | 16:56 |
replaceafill | similar to the student section journal | 16:56 |
replaceafill | create the requirement from there | 16:56 |
replaceafill | and then an evaluation | 16:56 |
th1a | This has to check the daily teacher attendance too, right, to see if a sub is assigned? | 16:58 |
replaceafill | i think it'll just be expensive (performance-wise) | 16:58 |
replaceafill | not really | 16:58 |
replaceafill | that's what i was saying | 16:58 |
replaceafill | sub teachers are just instructors | 16:58 |
th1a | Well, it will be one form per section per week or two. | 16:58 |
replaceafill | with a different state | 16:58 |
replaceafill | they're all ACTIVE | 16:59 |
th1a | Ah, the subs change the state? | 16:59 |
th1a | Sorry I just need re-explanation of some of these things periodically. | 16:59 |
replaceafill | np | 16:59 |
replaceafill | i think of instructors and subs as practically the same | 17:00 |
replaceafill | states.add(_('Instructor'), ACTIVE, 'a') | 17:00 |
replaceafill | states.add(_('Substitute'), ACTIVE, 's') | 17:00 |
replaceafill | other than the "meaning code" | 17:01 |
replaceafill | they act like the same | 17:01 |
replaceafill | current teacher attendance sets someone in the substitute teachers *group* as substitute instructor from a particular date | 17:02 |
replaceafill | you can make that person an *instructor* and the system wouldn't know | 17:02 |
replaceafill | unless you ask for that "meaning code" explicitly | 17:03 |
th1a | OK. | 17:03 |
th1a | So is it going to be a headache to accurately calculate the attendance % of someone who is exclusively a sub? | 17:04 |
th1a | Like, they were assigned to sub 120 periods and actually showed up for 118? | 17:04 |
replaceafill | it's possible | 17:04 |
replaceafill | not easy | 17:04 |
replaceafill | but possible | 17:04 |
th1a | Like, how much time? | 17:05 |
replaceafill | i mean, you just have to code it that way from the start | 17:05 |
replaceafill | it's not like | 17:05 |
replaceafill | it'll add 8 hours of extra work | 17:05 |
replaceafill | just query differently | 17:05 |
replaceafill | unless you want plumbing for all of this | 17:06 |
replaceafill | (which i don't think we need at this point) | 17:06 |
th1a | OK. | 17:07 |
replaceafill | i think you think of the sub state as a special feature | 17:08 |
replaceafill | and to me it's not | 17:08 |
th1a | That's good! | 17:08 |
replaceafill | it's just an additional state | 17:08 |
th1a | OK, cool. | 17:08 |
th1a | I mean, it is really more a question of "Is this going to buggy?" | 17:09 |
th1a | It is hard to imagine it would take more than a day to get the report wired together. | 17:09 |
replaceafill | i hope not, but it'll be fragile | 17:09 |
replaceafill | yeah | 17:09 |
th1a | The worst case scenario is lots of bad edge cases. | 17:09 |
th1a | OK, so this should be a simple form then. | 17:10 |
th1a | Right. | 17:10 |
replaceafill | yeah | 17:10 |
replaceafill | i'm not sure if making the student the starting point would be the right apporach | 17:10 |
th1a | Just, select the week and section? | 17:10 |
th1a | The student book? | 17:10 |
replaceafill | yeah | 17:10 |
replaceafill | hold on | 17:11 |
replaceafill | the picture represents a notebook belonging to a student, right? | 17:12 |
th1a | Oh, shit, right. | 17:12 |
th1a | Ugh. | 17:12 |
replaceafill | :D | 17:12 |
th1a | OK, that is crazy. | 17:12 |
replaceafill | that's what i'd create the form like | 17:13 |
replaceafill | select date (and maybe remember it) | 17:13 |
th1a | OK... | 17:13 |
th1a | So we need to know which students have the books? | 17:13 |
replaceafill | click each student, fill from their notebook, save | 17:13 |
replaceafill | yeah | 17:13 |
replaceafill | unless Fran knows they pre-process these | 17:14 |
replaceafill | which is possible | 17:14 |
th1a | Jeez, this is kind of a mess. | 17:14 |
th1a | How do you know you have every teacher covered? | 17:14 |
th1a | I guess they don't have a lot of electives or anything. | 17:15 |
th1a | It is a simple structure. | 17:15 |
replaceafill | right | 17:15 |
th1a | OK. | 17:15 |
th1a | Hm... the form should know which teacher was SUPPOSED to be there, but it will also have to let you fill in a different teacher. | 17:16 |
th1a | Hrm. | 17:17 |
th1a | It is just tricky because you have to deal with "this teacher turned up by surprise, does that reflect the scheduled teacher being absent (unexcused) or perhaps they just switched for some other reason." | 17:18 |
th1a | OK, do you want to give me a quick update and then we'll go over the various time and money figures? | 17:18 |
replaceafill | sure | 17:19 |
th1a | I have a feeling Fran is going to have to decide between teacher attendance and a bunch of other things for this release. | 17:19 |
replaceafill | course/subject validation is done | 17:19 |
replaceafill | i'm now starting with the average calculation | 17:19 |
replaceafill | i mean, the division grade | 17:19 |
replaceafill | or whatever that is called | 17:20 |
replaceafill | hold on | 17:20 |
* replaceafill forgot the name | 17:20 | |
replaceafill | AGRGT and RSLT | 17:20 |
replaceafill | :D | 17:20 |
replaceafill | it's the sum of the 8 scores, etc | 17:20 |
th1a | Oh yeah, that nastiness. | 17:21 |
replaceafill | :D | 17:21 |
replaceafill | i have a feeling that you don't like the way they work... | 17:21 |
replaceafill | i'm more afraid of the overall division score | 17:21 |
replaceafill | with all that craziness | 17:21 |
replaceafill | that's basically the last part of the confirmation screen | 17:22 |
th1a | Well, we should give it our best guess, and if we get a different number, show them the code. | 17:22 |
replaceafill | ah ok | 17:23 |
replaceafill | i think that's it | 17:23 |
replaceafill | as you said yesterday, i'll need to be more focused | 17:24 |
replaceafill | this week | 17:24 |
th1a | OK... could you share the most current/relevant time-related doc from Fran on the sielibre drive and we'll work from that as the canonical reference? | 17:25 |
replaceafill | the one with the green column? | 17:25 |
th1a | Yeah, I guess. | 17:25 |
replaceafill | ok | 17:26 |
replaceafill | shared | 17:29 |
th1a | Can you mark what is done? | 17:31 |
replaceafill | yeah | 17:32 |
replaceafill | i'm looking how to copy that background color | 17:32 |
th1a | You can just use the highlighter. | 17:32 |
replaceafill | that's it | 17:34 |
replaceafill | we're not entirely set on the assesment configuration | 17:34 |
replaceafill | just the UCE worksheet at this point | 17:34 |
th1a | OK, and we said that would be +2 days? | 17:35 |
replaceafill | yes, 2 days | 17:35 |
th1a | OK, so we haven't done the BOT, MOT, etc sheets yet? | 17:36 |
th1a | replaceafill? | 17:37 |
replaceafill | i mean, i have code that sets them as we said in the meeting | 17:37 |
replaceafill | one single sheet for grades | 17:37 |
replaceafill | BOT, MOT and EOT | 17:37 |
th1a | Oh, ok. | 17:37 |
replaceafill | one sheet for MOck | 17:37 |
replaceafill | and one for UCE | 17:37 |
replaceafill | but that's not merged | 17:37 |
replaceafill | i just use it | 17:38 |
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