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th1a | Good morning yvl, menesis, replaceafill, aelkner. | 16:31 |
aelkner | morning | 16:31 |
th1a | morning slash afternoon | 16:32 |
menesis | afternoon :) | 16:32 |
* th1a imagines yvl running for a fresh cup of coffee. | 16:32 | |
replaceafill | good morning/afternoon | 16:32 |
th1a | OK menesis, what's our status? | 16:33 |
menesis | all zope packages are in the PPA | 16:34 |
yvl | hi guys | 16:34 |
th1a | SchoolTool? | 16:35 |
menesis | I have not made schooltool* releases compatible with those packages yet. | 16:35 |
th1a | OK. | 16:35 |
menesis | I have not created needs-packaging bugs for any of them, unless they existed already (only a few) | 16:35 |
th1a | So... one concern at this point is how much work is it to do this again for Natty? | 16:36 |
menesis | I have not created any FFe bugs | 16:36 |
th1a | esp. if we aren't in Maverick. | 16:36 |
menesis | and I have not replied to my "need sponsors" email | 16:36 |
th1a | That is, are we essentially ready to go for Natty, too, or do we have to re-make all these packages from scratch? | 16:38 |
menesis | I need to create a "[needs-packaging] zope.app.whatever" bug and reference it in debian/changelog, then reupload | 16:39 |
menesis | if we want to push to maverick, then for each package, another feature-freeze-exception bug has to be created | 16:40 |
yvl | I guess what th1a is also asking - how much time will it take to package *everything* for Natty | 16:40 |
menesis | other than that, packages are ready for maverick | 16:40 |
menesis | and for natty as well. | 16:41 |
th1a | So basically, at this point we've informally pointed out via email that we have all these packages, | 16:42 |
th1a | and Mattias Klose has suggested that he'd actually be willing to deal with this mess. | 16:42 |
menesis | if no upstream versions are needed, basically | 16:42 |
menesis | dch -i -D maverick 'Upload to Ubuntu (LP: #1234)' | 16:42 |
th1a | And we have to decide whether to really push the issue and file bugs? | 16:42 |
yvl | if I understood him correctly, he suggested he is willing to *grant exceptions* | 16:43 |
menesis | bzr bd -S ; dput ubuntu ../zope.app.whatever_*.dsc | 16:43 |
menesis | first, he was angry that we are late again | 16:44 |
menesis | but still he could grant the exceptions | 16:44 |
th1a | Yes, understandably. | 16:44 |
th1a | But we have not formally asked for those yet. | 16:44 |
menesis | however, no word was said about who will actually sponsor the uploads | 16:44 |
yvl | yes, this is what's troubling me... | 16:45 |
menesis | and that's quite a bit of work at the time when people are busy | 16:45 |
th1a | So it is safe to assume that nobody will be *more* frustrated with us if we say "never mind, we'll just get this in Natty." | 16:45 |
yvl | if we start with "apologies and thank you for your patience <...>", then yes :) | 16:46 |
yvl | oh, and if we ask for sponsorship again the second it's possible | 16:47 |
th1a | Here's the Natty schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NattyReleaseSchedule | 16:47 |
* th1a switches computers | 16:48 | |
menesis | we missed the feature freeze so naturally we are in for the next release, unless we bother people with apologies and exceptions | 16:48 |
menesis | another point is the readyness of schooltool packages | 16:49 |
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yvl | <menesis> we missed the feature freeze so naturally we are in for the next release, unless we bother people with apologies and exceptions | 16:49 |
yvl | another point is the readyness of schooltool packages | 16:49 |
menesis | I'm totally happy with the quality of zope packages | 16:49 |
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menesis | but not the way schooltool is started | 16:50 |
menesis | configuration, log, and database layout and names | 16:50 |
th1a_ | There is a certain point where the Natty repositories are opened, though, right? | 16:50 |
th1a_ | Which is not yet. | 16:51 |
menesis | the package that has to be installed is named schooltool-2009 and it depends on python-schooltool.stapp2008fall, but it's 2010 fall already, wtf. | 16:51 |
menesis | no upstart script, no apport integration for crash reports | 16:52 |
th1a_ | Let's not think about SchoolTool packages for a moment. | 16:52 |
th1a_ | Let's focus on the 150 other packages that are ruining our lives. | 16:52 |
th1a_ | So what's going to happen next is that the Natty repositories will be created at some point in the not too distant future, correct? | 16:53 |
menesis | 85 that are not in ubuntu yet. | 16:53 |
menesis | natty will be opened around the maverick release date, not sure what's first | 16:54 |
th1a_ | So first off, let's assume we're not going to push getting into Maverick, correct? | 16:54 |
th1a_ | In fact, I'll send a response to that effect. | 16:54 |
menesis | that is a decision for management to make | 16:55 |
menesis | personally I would like to avoid bothering people so close to the final freeze | 16:56 |
menesis | 10 days | 16:56 |
th1a_ | Yes, so we're agreed on that. | 16:56 |
th1a_ | Just to make clear what my priorities are at this point, | 16:56 |
th1a_ | I want to have *some* good news for Mark when I send in August invoices (which I need, btw), | 16:57 |
menesis | and if we don't push into ubuntu... the ppa was never ready that early :) | 16:57 |
th1a_ | so at least having all the Zope packages ready is good. | 16:57 |
yvl | menesis makes a good point | 16:58 |
th1a_ | And when I send the end of year report in November (the earlier the better), I want to have everything in the Natty repositories. | 16:58 |
th1a_ | Which point? | 16:58 |
yvl | and this is keeping in mind transition to ZTK | 16:58 |
yvl | thet ppa is early this release | 16:58 |
yvl | gives hope, at least to me :) | 16:58 |
menesis | the latest ZTK packages, too | 16:58 |
th1a_ | Right... so at least you guys are satisfied with the Zope packages? | 16:59 |
th1a_ | Not thinking "Oh, we really need to update these to... X?" | 16:59 |
menesis | yes... except, I would have liked to drop more dependencies. | 16:59 |
menesis | I only dropped one, zope.deferredimport, and this needed upstream zope work | 17:00 |
th1a_ | So for all intents and purposes, there is a high likelihood we won't have to touch these again in Natty at all. | 17:00 |
th1a_ | Or many of them at least.... | 17:00 |
menesis | very likely | 17:00 |
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th1a_ | OK. | 17:01 |
menesis | some that were packages last in March needed only minor touches | 17:01 |
menesis | but could be simply copied from lucid | 17:01 |
th1a_ | So basically, the Zope packages are ready now, and we can focus on SchoolTool packages? | 17:02 |
menesis | for Natty, I hope ZTK 1.0 is released and we will stick to that set | 17:02 |
th1a_ | OK, explain that to me. | 17:03 |
menesis | now we only have ZTK 1.0a3 | 17:03 |
th1a_ | Ah. | 17:03 |
th1a_ | OK, so there may be a few changes between alpha, beta and 1.0. | 17:03 |
yvl | yes, but little. | 17:03 |
yvl | ZTK and BlueBream are almost done | 17:04 |
menesis | but yes the last commit I made today was approx "Final versions.cfg for Maverick" | 17:04 |
th1a_ | But we are going to upload whatever we have at exactly the earliest possible moment. | 17:04 |
th1a_ | To Natty. | 17:04 |
th1a_ | And then make any subsequent changes. | 17:04 |
yvl | yes | 17:04 |
menesis | and now the next thing that is on my plans is do schooltool egg/deb releases | 17:04 |
th1a_ | And, to be honest, probably stick with ZTK 1.0 in Ubuntu for as long as possible. | 17:05 |
menesis | and then, making schooltool server and configuration better | 17:05 |
menesis | th1a_: yes | 17:05 |
yvl | umm | 17:05 |
yvl | well, as long as it makes sense | 17:05 |
yvl | we use a superset of ZTK | 17:06 |
th1a_ | Of course. | 17:06 |
yvl | if our world moves to ZTK 1.1+, so shall we | 17:06 |
* yvl wants automation, where it is possible, by the way | 17:06 | |
th1a_ | Sure. | 17:06 |
menesis | there was a blueprint for Maverick "delivering apps post-release" | 17:07 |
menesis | https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-maverick-opportunistic-apps-stable-release | 17:07 |
yvl | version checks, warnings, lintian - on nightly basis | 17:07 |
th1a_ | Just to be clear, in the future our approach will be that after ZTK 1.1 final comes out, we'll start thinking about it for the Ubuntu release AFTER the next one. | 17:08 |
menesis | agreed | 17:09 |
th1a_ | We're done chasing Zope. | 17:09 |
th1a_ | So next week let's talk in detail about SchoolTool packaging, but feel free to get started on it menesis. | 17:10 |
th1a_ | menesis: I do appreciate you putting in the hours to get the Zope packages done today. | 17:11 |
menesis | I am starting with schooltool upstream and no changes to packaging | 17:11 |
yvl | does it make sense to first get ST packaged as before to Natty | 17:12 |
menesis | th1a_: thanks. but it's my fault I did not have this ready at least one month ago. | 17:12 |
yvl | and then rework all the crappyness? | 17:12 |
th1a_ | menesis: That's true too. | 17:13 |
th1a_ | We don't need to rush SchoolTool packages at this point. | 17:13 |
menesis | yvl: natty does not exist yet | 17:13 |
menesis | first we have to get ready for maverick | 17:14 |
th1a_ | We need to have Maverick packages ready in, say, two weeks. | 17:14 |
th1a_ | Let's say release candidate due the 20th. | 17:14 |
th1a_ | That is, SchoolTool packages for our PPA release. | 17:15 |
th1a_ | Sound right? | 17:15 |
yvl | we're chatting..., sorry | 17:16 |
th1a_ | np | 17:16 |
yvl | * we were | 17:17 |
menesis | I will have packages ready this week. | 17:17 |
menesis | then it's a question what else we want to have in for maverick | 17:17 |
th1a_ | Yes. | 17:18 |
th1a_ | Essentially, this is going to be a maintenance release. | 17:18 |
menesis | timetables? new reports? more data exported? "Start SchoolTool" in Applications menu? | 17:18 |
th1a_ | NOT new timetables. | 17:18 |
menesis | yes I would like to only increase minor version numbers | 17:19 |
th1a_ | Things with no data risk. | 17:19 |
th1a_ | Reports and exports would be nice to have. | 17:19 |
menesis | and schedule major release (SchoolTool 1.6) for February 2010 | 17:20 |
th1a_ | I'm a little unsure about where I should be looking on Launchpad to make these decisions. | 17:20 |
th1a_ | Well, I'm thinking major release in April but with a more substantial beta period. | 17:20 |
th1a_ | Basically us feature freezing when Ubuntu does. | 17:20 |
th1a_ | There is no benefit to a February release. | 17:21 |
th1a_ | It is in the middle of the school year almost everywhere. | 17:21 |
menesis | https://edge.launchpad.net/schooltool/+milestone/next was a milestone for what we wanted in next major release | 17:21 |
menesis | not much of those were done | 17:21 |
menesis | 1.5.1 is a milestone for tomorrow's release. will create 1.5.2 then for things that should be done for maverick still | 17:22 |
th1a_ | Well, one question at this point is what yvl is going to do for the next two weeks. | 17:23 |
yvl | a good question - a lot to do, just need to choose ;) | 17:23 |
aelkner | landscape reports? | 17:24 |
th1a_ | No. | 17:24 |
th1a_ | Well, maybe. | 17:24 |
th1a_ | But there's this whole list of other things. | 17:24 |
th1a_ | First question is, what about timetables? | 17:25 |
menesis | th1a_: will have read the rules carefully but yes we should stick to ubuntu freeze/release dates. so not february but early april for final release. | 17:25 |
th1a_ | At this point should we put off finishing them for two more weeks? | 17:25 |
yvl | hmm | 17:25 |
yvl | ...thinking... | 17:25 |
th1a_ | Two weeks of smaller bug fixes would be nice. | 17:25 |
yvl | true | 17:25 |
yvl | and I'd also like to put few days into "versionator" | 17:26 |
yvl | at least add ad-hoc lintian support | 17:26 |
yvl | (it's a small tool we use now, to check versions between various KGSes, Debian unstable, PPAs and Ubuntu repositories) | 17:27 |
th1a_ | Well, it doesn't seem like something we need *now*. | 17:27 |
th1a_ | Would it be problematic for you to set timetabling aside and come back to it. | 17:28 |
th1a_ | i.e., you'll forget all of it and have to take a week to re-learn it. | 17:28 |
yvl | well, timetabling has been set aside already | 17:28 |
yvl | so, no, no problems :) | 17:28 |
th1a_ | That's what I was thinking. | 17:28 |
yvl | small bugfixes it is | 17:28 |
yvl | contact export/import | 17:29 |
th1a_ | OK, so I should go through bugs and assign high priorities for maverick for the ones I want done. | 17:29 |
yvl | and other that are fast to fix and have small impact | 17:29 |
yvl | ok | 17:29 |
th1a_ | And you can do the same at your discretion. | 17:29 |
yvl | I'll skip those small bugs that are somewhat nasty | 17:29 |
th1a_ | Yes. | 17:29 |
th1a_ | Perhaps you can look at aelkner's landscape problem too. | 17:30 |
th1a_ | Have you filed a bug for that aelkner? | 17:30 |
aelkner | yes | 17:31 |
th1a_ | OK. | 17:31 |
th1a_ | I think we've covered Lithuania. | 17:31 |
aelkner | https://bugs.launchpad.net/schooltool/+bug/622811 | 17:31 |
yvl | I'll see what I can do :) | 17:32 |
th1a_ | Hm... I was going to suggest asking on the ReportLab mailing list, but I guess this isn't ReportLab but a reimplementation of part of it. | 17:32 |
th1a_ | What milestone should I be targeting? | 17:33 |
yvl | menesis? | 17:34 |
yvl | 1.5.1? | 17:34 |
menesis | 1.5.2 for things to be done in next 3 weeks or so | 17:35 |
menesis | I will release 1.5.1 tomorrow | 17:36 |
th1a_ | OK. | 17:36 |
th1a_ | Moving on then... | 17:37 |
th1a_ | Thanks yvl and menesis. | 17:37 |
th1a_ | aelkner: What is up with you? | 17:37 |
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aelkner | I added the comment just now that you requested to provide yvl with ore info about rendering the landscape PDF | 17:38 |
aelkner | last week i had to attend a funeral and a wedding, so I took time off for that | 17:39 |
aelkner | but i did get the timetable PDF views finished | 17:39 |
th1a_ | Can you point him at a branch? | 17:39 |
aelkner | a branch for what? | 17:40 |
th1a_ | The pdf views that are malfunctioning? | 17:40 |
aelkner | they are in my zambia branch which i was just mentioning | 17:41 |
aelkner | i pushed the latest up to launchpad | 17:41 |
th1a_ | That would be good to put in the report. | 17:41 |
aelkner | if you gave me a chance... | 17:41 |
th1a_ | OK. :-) | 17:41 |
yvl | thanks, aelkner | 17:41 |
aelkner | but yvl doesn't need that branch to recreate the problem | 17:41 |
aelkner | he just needs to create a report of is own that is too wide | 17:42 |
th1a_ | Well, it will save him time. | 17:42 |
th1a_ | Time I'm paying for. | 17:42 |
aelkner | fine - he has my branch now | 17:42 |
th1a_ | Beautiful. | 17:42 |
aelkner | anyway, i still need to finish up the score system changes to schooltool.gradebook | 17:43 |
* replaceafill noticed last week gradebook worksheets get weird when they are too wide | 17:43 | |
aelkner | and i will be putting the last worksheet visited fix in the same branch | 17:43 |
aelkner | with a test this time | 17:43 |
th1a_ | replaceafill: Could you file a bug? | 17:44 |
aelkner | that's my report | 17:44 |
aelkner | i mean, that is all for now | 17:44 |
replaceafill | th1a_, ah ok, i put it in my "fix plugin css" umbrella | 17:44 |
aelkner | report may have been ambiguous since we are talking about PDFs | 17:45 |
aelkner | in other words, that's my report for this meeting | 17:45 |
th1a_ | OK, thanks aelkner. | 17:45 |
th1a_ | replaceafill? | 17:46 |
replaceafill | ok, first thing i want to ask | 17:46 |
replaceafill | where do we stand on "ajax" in schooltool? | 17:46 |
replaceafill | yvl, i'd like your comments on this please | 17:47 |
replaceafill | i ask because of this: | 17:47 |
replaceafill | i changed forms in cambodia to 1024 px wide | 17:47 |
replaceafill | and i worked in a way to enter villages, provinces from the student form | 17:47 |
replaceafill | so i coded a javascript popup form | 17:48 |
replaceafill | that allows you to enter the new data | 17:48 |
replaceafill | but now i have to refresh the original student form | 17:48 |
replaceafill | to show the new data | 17:48 |
replaceafill | i know "ajax" is not needed for THAT | 17:49 |
th1a_ | The journal uses ajax, but also works without it. | 17:49 |
replaceafill | yes, that's part of my question | 17:49 |
yvl | what we usually do in these cases, | 17:49 |
replaceafill | in cambodia, after asking javier, i assume javascript will be always on | 17:49 |
yvl | is post the unfinished form to a new page instead of a pop-up | 17:49 |
yvl | hidden fields | 17:50 |
th1a_ | At this point I think Javascript is more of a concern because of testing than end-users. | 17:50 |
replaceafill | th1a_, true | 17:50 |
yvl | yes | 17:50 |
th1a_ | From an end-user point of view we can assume it. | 17:50 |
th1a_ | Let's make that official. | 17:50 |
replaceafill | ok... | 17:51 |
replaceafill | other work i did for cambodia was the gradebook | 17:52 |
replaceafill | i managed to create the report sheets, not through UI, but through a subscriber | 17:52 |
replaceafill | yvl, i again, assumed, the ordering of the level container here | 17:53 |
replaceafill | i mean, if grades, 9 and 12 are the one different | 17:53 |
replaceafill | i looked for the 9 and 12th places in the container | 17:53 |
replaceafill | well, 8 and 11 actually... | 17:54 |
yvl | :) | 17:54 |
yvl | well, my intention was too keep it simple for now | 17:54 |
yvl | if you want to say "first 8 grades should get this worksheet" | 17:54 |
yvl | you should write the exact same sentence in python | 17:54 |
replaceafill | right | 17:55 |
yvl | levels[:8] | 17:55 |
replaceafill | yvl, i also found this http://pastebin.com/f2LAUGSM | 17:55 |
replaceafill | got my attention and i think is "kind of wrong?" | 17:55 |
yvl | ah, crap, sorry - I forgot to comment | 17:55 |
replaceafill | yvl, no problem, i know you're busy (smile) | 17:56 |
replaceafill | th1a_, in salvadorean news, i set a meeting with el calvario, september 9 | 17:56 |
replaceafill | to do a little demo/training | 17:56 |
yvl | So, your change there makes sense. I'd go even further and make it an adapter instead of subscriber. | 17:57 |
replaceafill | yvl, correct me if i'm wrong but the disadvantage of suscribers is that they cant be disabled in plugins, correct? | 17:57 |
replaceafill | or overwritten | 17:57 |
yvl | yes! | 17:58 |
replaceafill | got it | 17:58 |
yvl | so an event adapter subscriber would be more convenient | 17:58 |
yvl | see schooltool/schoolyear/schoolyear.py | 17:58 |
th1a_ | replaceafill: Good, let me know how the meeting goes. | 17:58 |
replaceafill | yvl, thanks! | 17:59 |
replaceafill | th1a_, will do | 17:59 |
replaceafill | to finish just to say: | 17:59 |
th1a_ | replaceafill: So are we getting to another check-in point with Cambodia? | 17:59 |
replaceafill | th1a_, yes, i just had the "refresh" form question | 17:59 |
replaceafill | and the levels question | 17:59 |
replaceafill | i guess i can now show the "initial" gradebook | 17:59 |
th1a_ | Good. | 18:00 |
th1a_ | Got to keep that conversation going. | 18:00 |
replaceafill | although i haven't had feedback from piseth (which javier assigned to review my google spreadsheet) | 18:00 |
replaceafill | th1a_, right | 18:00 |
th1a_ | The fact of the matter is that it is easy to fix the particulars. | 18:00 |
replaceafill | also i fixed a small gradebook error reported by ryanpg | 18:00 |
th1a_ | Oh... | 18:01 |
replaceafill | (ryanpg btw is piloting schooltool in his school he said) | 18:01 |
th1a_ | Does anyone have any particular ideas for organizing a map of SchoolTool using schools? | 18:01 |
th1a_ | The mapping functionality in LaunchPad seems to be deprecated. | 18:01 |
th1a_ | But we have enough random users that we need a census of them. | 18:02 |
th1a_ | And I'm undecided on the best method. | 18:02 |
replaceafill | launchpad uses google map, right? | 18:02 |
th1a_ | Yes, but it doesn't work. | 18:02 |
replaceafill | ah | 18:02 |
replaceafill | ok, just to wrap up | 18:02 |
th1a_ | Sorry to distract. ;-) | 18:03 |
replaceafill | i also found some missing lines in the gradebook and intervention base.cfg files | 18:03 |
replaceafill | i asked menesis and he helped | 18:03 |
replaceafill | also during the weekend i got curious with the schooltool-2009 installation error in lucid | 18:03 |
replaceafill | because that also was asked before in launchpad (https://answers.launchpad.net/schooltool/+question/122719) | 18:04 |
yvl | package gnomes stole zope.app :) | 18:04 |
replaceafill | and found the reported python-zope.app error which menesis already fixed | 18:04 |
replaceafill | th1a_, and finally i patched the gctaa cando instance | 18:04 |
replaceafill | met with jelkner to set it up | 18:05 |
th1a_ | Yes. | 18:05 |
replaceafill | and his coworker Iasaac Zawolo had some questions too | 18:05 |
replaceafill | about the gradebook | 18:05 |
replaceafill | and i guess he reported a couple of bugs | 18:05 |
replaceafill | one already reported by jelkner | 18:05 |
replaceafill | about categories | 18:05 |
replaceafill | they want teachers being able to customize that | 18:05 |
replaceafill | and the other about dropping lower grades too | 18:05 |
th1a_ | Yeah... those are both understandable. | 18:06 |
replaceafill | th1a_, that's my report... | 18:06 |
th1a_ | I'll see how they fit in the triage situation. | 18:06 |
aelkner | you might want to assign me some of the bugs in the gradebook are to save time | 18:06 |
replaceafill | yvl, thanks for the help (smile) | 18:06 |
aelkner | replaceafill, you HAVE to get back to proper emoticons | 18:07 |
th1a_ | aelkner: So you should have some things for Mpelembe to look at soon? | 18:07 |
th1a_ | We need a check-in with them soon. | 18:07 |
aelkner | i proposed the merge, but i don't know when it will be released | 18:07 |
th1a_ | Yeah, but these are reports right, can you send them an example? | 18:08 |
aelkner | whom do i email now? isn't Jen gone by now? | 18:09 |
th1a_ | Send it to the same people, including Jen. | 18:09 |
aelkner | ok | 18:09 |
th1a_ | Finally... | 18:09 |
replaceafill | yvl, this is the one to use as base -> from schooltool.schoolyear.subscriber import EventAdapterSubscriber, right? | 18:09 |
yvl | yes | 18:09 |
replaceafill | got it | 18:09 |
yvl | it's not in a right place | 18:09 |
yvl | but that's the one to use :) | 18:09 |
yvl | and seriously - I'm glad to help :))) | 18:10 |
th1a_ | menesis: I'll send you new descriptions for the SchoolTool packages tomorrow. | 18:10 |
yvl | no need to thank me ;) | 18:10 |
th1a_ | It's his job. | 18:10 |
th1a_ | OK, have a great week gentlemen! | 18:10 |
* th1a_ drops the bag of gravel. | 18:10 | |
menesis | :D | 18:10 |
th1a_ | Happy Labor Day! | 18:10 |
replaceafill | thanks everybody | 18:11 |
aelkner | great week everyone | 18:11 |
yvl | th1a_ is right - it's my job to be glad to help :) | 18:11 |
menesis | aelkner: what merges do you need? zambia? | 18:11 |
yvl | great week guys! | 18:11 |
aelkner | yes | 18:11 |
th1a_ | The US has a non-May 1st Labor Day so nobody gets confused and thinks we're socialists. | 18:11 |
th1a_ | In case you were wondering. | 18:11 |
menesis | aelkner: you need a zambia release? | 18:11 |
aelkner | menesis, but i will be able to send sample reports in the meantme | 18:11 |
aelkner | yes | 18:12 |
aelkner | when you have the chance to do it | 18:12 |
menesis | aelkner: also, who needed the csv views that you have proposed merges a month ago? | 18:12 |
aelkner | that was for SLA to get their data out of schooltool | 18:12 |
aelkner | but i'm sure th1a_ wouldn't mind having that in the release | 18:13 |
th1a_ | Yes. | 18:13 |
th1a_ | otoh, not a huge priority either. | 18:14 |
th1a_ | But it makes sense to make it available to other users. | 18:14 |
aelkner | and it may be well advised to not let things get too old, lest we leave hings behind | 18:14 |
menesis | I'll merge them | 18:15 |
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