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th1a | Good morning replaceafill, aelkner, Lumiere. | 16:31 |
th1a | We seem to be missing some Lithuanians. | 16:31 |
replaceafill | good morning | 16:31 |
th1a | aelkner: Would you like to start? | 16:31 |
aelkner | ok, early last week, i didn't feel well, so that's why i had no mid-week progress report to give you | 16:32 |
aelkner | with the latter part of the week, i worked on migrating sla's custom demographics data to the new system | 16:32 |
aelkner | as you recommended, i didn't write a genreation script, just patch scripts | 16:33 |
aelkner | i actually had to write two patch scripts because evolve29.py removed email and phone from person objects | 16:34 |
aelkner | but sla was using those fields, so i had to first patch the data to move those fields to sla's custom demos | 16:34 |
aelkner | then, the second patch moved all custom demos to the new demos | 16:35 |
th1a | You need to make contacts. | 16:35 |
th1a | aelkner needs to keep up with The SchoolTool Book. | 16:35 |
aelkner | ah, good point | 16:35 |
aelkner | so i'll have to do that next | 16:37 |
aelkner | i have a question about the birth_date field | 16:37 |
aelkner | well, actually, i want to point out that sla has four custom person views | 16:38 |
aelkner | one for the demographics viewlet for index.html | 16:38 |
aelkner | one for add, one for edit | 16:38 |
aelkner | and finally, one for importing | 16:39 |
th1a | and? | 16:39 |
aelkner | well, something tells me that Lehmann is not gong to like the new demographics system views for adding/editing | 16:40 |
aelkner | he had asked me to create the add/edit forms to have all the data in one form | 16:40 |
aelkner | do we still want to provide that for them? | 16:41 |
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th1a | You mean because contacts are separate? | 16:41 |
aelkner | yeah | 16:42 |
yvl | good morning guys | 16:42 |
th1a | Probably that is something that should be improved anyhow. | 16:42 |
yvl | sorry I'm late | 16:42 |
th1a | Hi yvl. | 16:42 |
aelkner | th1a: do you mean that schooltool needs to improve, or that it is improved now? | 16:43 |
th1a | It can be improved. | 16:43 |
th1a | We don't need to do it right now though. | 16:44 |
aelkner | so should i just remove the custom views for sla and get lehmann's reaction this summer to the new system? | 16:45 |
th1a | Exactly. | 16:45 |
aelkner | ok, will do | 16:45 |
aelkner | also, do you want me to move the intervention package into the schooltool egg | 16:46 |
th1a | Eventually, I think. | 16:46 |
aelkner | ok, but first get contacts to work | 16:46 |
aelkner | then later move the whole package | 16:47 |
th1a | Contacts, comments in gradebook... | 16:47 |
aelkner | ok, so i just need to update my second migration script to make contacts | 16:47 |
aelkner | yvl: is the birth_date field editible on the person add/edit forms now? | 16:48 |
th1a | That would seem to be the immediate task at hand. | 16:48 |
yvl | hmm, should be | 16:48 |
yvl | didn't check | 16:48 |
aelkner | i only have the custom sla forms that i'm working with, and it crashes now on that field | 16:49 |
aelkner | could we meet after the meeting to discuss this? | 16:49 |
yvl | yes they are | 16:49 |
yvl | ok aelkner | 16:49 |
th1a | It is crashing on the standard forms or the custom ones? | 16:50 |
Lumiere | hi all | 16:50 |
th1a | hi Lumiere. | 16:50 |
aelkner | well, if i'm removing the custom sla forms anyway (as tom just suggested), i guess i don't need to worrry about that | 16:50 |
yvl | hi Lumiere | 16:50 |
aelkner | it was the custom form | 16:50 |
aelkner | forms | 16:50 |
aelkner | i noticed a presentation problem brought about by the presence of the new links in the person views | 16:51 |
aelkner | Advisors, Advisees, Contacts being the new links | 16:51 |
aelkner | with 'Print Report Card' and 'Intervention Center' being there as well, the links don't fit on onw line | 16:52 |
aelkner | this causes the Report's viewlet to render poorly | 16:52 |
aelkner | hovering over it results in the menu items being too far to the right to be seen | 16:53 |
aelkner | perhaps we should shorted the text for some of the links? | 16:53 |
th1a | Yes, we should. | 16:54 |
aelkner | 'Edit Preferences' and 'Change Password' could be shortened to 'Preferences' and 'Password'? | 16:54 |
yvl | still, we can't control all the translations | 16:54 |
yvl | just try looking at the russian person views... | 16:55 |
th1a | It should flow to a second line properly anyhow, yes. | 16:55 |
aelkner | perhaps we should group some of them into drop-downs as with the reports | 16:55 |
th1a | Or move them to a sidebar ;-) | 16:55 |
* Lumiere thinks aelkner should make a en_US translation XD | 16:56 | |
Lumiere | and install it at sla | 16:56 |
yvl | well, at least some sort of grouping would be nice | 16:56 |
yvl | I'm all confused all the time - which gradebook this link is about, etc. | 16:57 |
th1a | OK. It is something to think about. | 16:57 |
aelkner | yvl: you mean schooltool.gradebook versus lyceum journal? | 16:57 |
yvl | yes | 16:57 |
yvl | I agree with th1a - we'll have to think about that at some point | 16:58 |
aelkner | we need to decide on this before we present the changes to sla | 16:58 |
th1a | In the meantime, I'll file a bug about shortening the labels. | 16:59 |
th1a | Anything else, aelkner? | 17:00 |
aelkner | will the label shortening be assigned to me? | 17:00 |
th1a | It could be. | 17:00 |
aelkner | if so, i would have a question about translations | 17:01 |
aelkner | is there a US translation, or is that the default? | 17:01 |
th1a | aelkner: After contacts, will you be starting on comments? | 17:01 |
aelkner | th1a: yes | 17:01 |
aelkner | if i change the configure.zcml for 'Change Password' to 'Password' is that all that needs to be done? | 17:02 |
aelkner | are translations only for other languages? | 17:02 |
yvl | yes, that will be enough | 17:03 |
aelkner | cool | 17:03 |
th1a | Lumiere: Stop confusing aelkner. | 17:03 |
aelkner | th1a: that wasn't on his account | 17:03 |
Lumiere | th1a: but I enjoy confusing aelkner :) | 17:04 |
aelkner | i was just checking becuase i noticed translations being done, and i wasn't sure about the status of English | 17:04 |
aelkner | i'm clear on it now | 17:04 |
th1a | I'm going to start working on the English translation soon. | 17:04 |
th1a | SOON! | 17:05 |
th1a | aelkner: So presumably we'll talk on the phone later this week about comments in the gradebook. | 17:05 |
aelkner | th1a: sure, i'll let you know when the contacts are ready | 17:05 |
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aelkner | then we can talk about the comments | 17:05 |
aelkner | th1a: excuse me redundantly asking but, | 17:06 |
aelkner | you also want me to scrap the sla viewlet for index.html of person | 17:06 |
aelkner | they liked the demos to be formatted a specific way | 17:06 |
aelkner | i suppose they should see what the new system is like first | 17:07 |
th1a | Can you send me a screenshot? | 17:07 |
aelkner | i'll send you screenshots of the index.html, add, and edit on their current system | 17:08 |
th1a | OK. | 17:08 |
th1a | Thanks. | 17:08 |
th1a | yvl? | 17:08 |
yvl | ok | 17:08 |
yvl | Last week I worked mainly on contacts | 17:09 |
yvl | a small crash-bug | 17:09 |
yvl | and ability to define person-contact relationship from a dropdown | 17:09 |
yvl | that was much harder than I expected | 17:09 |
th1a | Yes... how did you do it? | 17:09 |
th1a | Is it stored on the relationship? | 17:10 |
yvl | exactly | 17:10 |
yvl | had to extend schooltool.relationships to provide access to relationship extra_info | 17:10 |
th1a | Is zc.relationship better at that? | 17:10 |
yvl | well... | 17:10 |
th1a | Because there's more where that came from... | 17:11 |
yvl | it already has the concept of Relationship as a separate "you define what" that is linked with two objects | 17:11 |
yvl | so kind of yes | 17:11 |
yvl | ah, and it has nice querying for it | 17:11 |
yvl | the thing is that the zc.relationship API is a bit too complex for plainly using in schooltool | 17:12 |
th1a | For Moodle, but really in general too, we're going to need to add some simple states to section enrollment. | 17:12 |
th1a | Like "active," "completed," "withdrawn, incomplete." | 17:12 |
yvl | hmm, ok | 17:12 |
th1a | And note the date of the change in state. | 17:12 |
th1a | Keep a history. | 17:13 |
yvl | currently I just added it as a small extension on schooltool.relationship | 17:13 |
yvl | but in the long term I'd like to have a simple interface to store whatever on a relationship | 17:13 |
yvl | annotation style thingie | 17:13 |
th1a | Yeah. This Moodle case pushes for some kind of longer term solution. | 17:13 |
yvl | by the way, when will we need it done? | 17:14 |
yvl | rough estimate is enough | 17:14 |
th1a | The Moodle work should be happening in July. | 17:14 |
th1a | by replaceafill. | 17:14 |
yvl | I see | 17:14 |
yvl | thanks, I'll keep in mind | 17:15 |
yvl | CanDo packaging will also proceed in July? | 17:15 |
th1a | It seems to be proceeding now. | 17:15 |
th1a | Lumiere? | 17:15 |
yvl | while we wait for the answer... | 17:16 |
yvl | I did some merging today | 17:16 |
yvl | Alan's changes are in gradebook trunk, finally | 17:16 |
yvl | I get: TypeError: ('Could not adapt', <schooltool.app.app.SchoolToolApplication object at 0x92b0f2c>, <InterfaceClass schooltool.requirement.interfaces.IScoreSystemsProxy>) | 17:17 |
yvl | when evolving | 17:17 |
yvl | so I guess that's a problem with my sandbox, or maybe something else | 17:17 |
yvl | but it worked with apt-get installable SchoolTool, so I merged anyway | 17:17 |
yvl | and replaceafill's changes are in 2009.04 branch, along with the rest of stuff from trunk | 17:18 |
yvl | CanDo is moving to 2009.04, which is constantly updated from trunk... | 17:19 |
aelkner | yvl:do you want to discuss your merging issues after the meeting? | 17:19 |
yvl | aelkner, I don't there's a need for that - IScoreSystemsProxy is registered at zcml | 17:20 |
yvl | so maybe zcml inclusion order | 17:20 |
yvl | is to blame | 17:20 |
aelkner | hmm | 17:20 |
yvl | but it will be easier to just look at it rather than trying to list my configuration on IRC | 17:21 |
aelkner | you always need to include schooltool.requirement, then schooltool.gradebook | 17:21 |
aelkner | maybe that's the problem | 17:21 |
yvl | thanks | 17:21 |
yvl | I'll look at it | 17:21 |
aelkner | let me know if you have a question | 17:22 |
yvl | sure, thanks! | 17:22 |
yvl | so back on CanDo matters... | 17:22 |
th1a | aelkner: We should just generally make the standard SLA view and edit person views more like they SLA views are now. | 17:23 |
th1a | aelkner: We can discuss it later. | 17:23 |
yvl | they got me thinking that we definitely want two types of releases: a stable one and a bugfix release | 17:23 |
aelkner | ok | 17:23 |
yvl | I'll bother you all about it in a week or two :) | 17:23 |
yvl | hmm, what else... | 17:24 |
th1a | Well, properly shouldn't we have a stable release that is only bugfixed and an unstable/feature branch? | 17:24 |
* yvl want's them to be SchoolTool 1.1 and SchoolTool 1.2 | 17:25 | |
yvl | odd numbers for dev | 17:25 |
yvl | even - for stable | 17:25 |
yvl | sorry - 1.0 and 1.1 | 17:25 |
th1a | yvl: Yes, it does need to be sorted out in general. | 17:26 |
yvl | also I want README.txt style tests, both unit and functional | 17:26 |
th1a | The reason we aren't doing something like that at this point is that we're adding "features" that everyone will need anyhow. | 17:26 |
yvl | and we managed to slip | 17:27 |
th1a | I thought we were pretty standard about that? | 17:27 |
yvl | emm, pardon my English | 17:27 |
yvl | not slip, but "make it through" | 17:27 |
yvl | and just because CanDo used 2008.10 branch, where we backported bugfixes | 17:28 |
yvl | if CanDo grows larger, we'll need a clear line | 17:28 |
yvl | what we support | 17:28 |
yvl | what parts of the system we will not change or at least keep compatible for some time | 17:28 |
yvl | and what is our "internals" | 17:28 |
yvl | and should be used at their own risk | 17:29 |
yvl | and the stable/development release branch thingie | 17:29 |
yvl | I'm starting to lean towards README.txt style tests, both functional and unit | 17:29 |
yvl | that define "standard" way of extending stuff in SchoolTool | 17:30 |
yvl | courses, timetables, etc. | 17:30 |
yvl | that granularity level | 17:30 |
th1a | Yes, that's a longer term discussion. | 17:30 |
th1a | yvl: What's your plan for the week? | 17:31 |
yvl | Medium importance bugs | 17:31 |
yvl | sadly High importance ate whole last week :| | 17:31 |
th1a | It happens. | 17:31 |
th1a | There are a lot of easy ones though. | 17:32 |
yvl | yes, I ran through them few days ago | 17:32 |
th1a | Could you make a point of fixing the description field display problem. | 17:32 |
th1a | ? | 17:32 |
yvl | of course | 17:32 |
th1a | dwelsh was asking about using descriptions. | 17:32 |
yvl | by the way... it's part of a bigger problem as always | 17:32 |
yvl | our CSS is a big mess | 17:32 |
yvl | not the SchoolTool CSS | 17:33 |
yvl | but the integration with plugins | 17:33 |
yvl | the thing with descriptions was that one CSS class falls from gradebook | 17:33 |
yvl | and it should not. | 17:33 |
yvl | normally | 17:34 |
yvl | but that's another thing for discussion later | 17:34 |
th1a | OK. | 17:34 |
yvl | that's it from me | 17:34 |
th1a | Are you updating Launchpad as you work on these? | 17:34 |
yvl | umm... yes | 17:34 |
th1a | It reassures your project manager. | 17:34 |
yvl | at least when I fix them... | 17:35 |
th1a | Lumiere: Anything else to report? | 17:35 |
th1a | 9,000,000 foot summary from last Thursday: | 17:37 |
th1a | We're going to make a top level container for "ongoing sections" which exist outside the year/term structure. | 17:38 |
th1a | (in Moodle) | 17:38 |
th1a | That's the biggest thing. | 17:39 |
th1a | What else am I forgetting, replaceafill? | 17:39 |
replaceafill | hhmm you already mentioned the workflow status | 17:39 |
replaceafill | and section history | 17:39 |
replaceafill | grading, enrollment, and teacher history | 17:39 |
yvl | a smal side-note: guys, please bug me if I forget to merge your branches once a while... at least until I get used to using Launchpad. Thanks! | 17:41 |
yvl | replaceafill, what about the teacher history? | 17:41 |
replaceafill | yvl, i'm about to bug you | 17:41 |
replaceafill | :) | 17:41 |
yvl | excellent | 17:41 |
replaceafill | rememer my lazy branch with two fixes in it? | 17:41 |
replaceafill | https://code.launchpad.net/~replaceafill/schooltool/schooltool_bugs_375792_382251 | 17:41 |
replaceafill | it fixes the csv importers to use non-ascii data and the contacts link | 17:42 |
yvl | yes | 17:42 |
replaceafill | i don't see the changes | 17:42 |
yvl | in trunk? | 17:42 |
replaceafill | neither in trunk or 2009.04 | 17:42 |
yvl | hmm, I missed it somehow | 17:44 |
yvl | thanks | 17:44 |
yvl | and please use Launchpad | 17:44 |
yvl | I have a terrible memory :| | 17:44 |
replaceafill | yvl, yes my bad :) | 17:44 |
replaceafill | i will use the branch merging requests from now on | 17:44 |
replaceafill | th1a, i fixed the new course form to show all the new attributes | 17:46 |
th1a | Thanks. | 17:46 |
replaceafill | i will work on the course csv importer to allow the new attributes as well | 17:46 |
th1a | Thanks! | 17:46 |
replaceafill | and im still working in a non-ascii error in activity categories | 17:46 |
replaceafill | yvl helped me and i already got it | 17:47 |
replaceafill | using punycode :) | 17:47 |
replaceafill | if i can comment about the cando side of things | 17:47 |
replaceafill | i fixed cando hard coded logic for handling the competent calculation | 17:48 |
replaceafill | there were "value >= 3" strings for comparison | 17:48 |
replaceafill | instead of using the scoresystem | 17:48 |
replaceafill | and related to yvl comment on CSS, i will need to fix cando layout using 2009.04 | 17:49 |
replaceafill | cause 2009.04 styles have higher precedence | 17:49 |
replaceafill | ah one last thing | 17:50 |
replaceafill | maybe aelkner and Lumiere are interested | 17:50 |
replaceafill | i found a way to avoid the hack when using 2009.04.cfg and a schooltool branch | 17:51 |
replaceafill | http://mail.zope.org/pipermail/zope-dev/2008-February/thread.html#30991 | 17:51 |
replaceafill | that's all from me | 17:51 |
th1a | Thanks. | 17:51 |
th1a | I think that's it. | 17:51 |
th1a | Have a great week gentlemen! | 17:51 |
* th1a drops the bag of gravel. | 17:52 | |
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Lumiere | sorry | 18:06 |
Lumiere | busy busy <_< | 18:06 |
Lumiere | last week of school year here | 18:06 |
Lumiere | and I am at a wedding late this week | 18:06 |
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dlobo | are there any reviews of schooltool? usage stats? alexa does not recognize it in the top 100K | 22:33 |
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Lumiere | dlobo_: it just released | 23:45 |
Lumiere | 1.0 came out ~ 2 months ago | 23:45 |
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