IRC log of #schooltool for Tuesday, 2004-11-30

**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Tue Nov 30 10:53:49 2004
-->You are now talking on #schooltool10:53
---Topic for #schooltool is http://schooltool.org10:53
---Topic for #schooltool set by Aiste at Mon Oct 18 12:47:26 200410:53
<--Aiste has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))10:55
-->Aiste ( has joined #schooltool11:22
-->SteveA ( has joined #schooltool11:55
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**** ENDING LOGGING AT Tue Nov 30 17:01:39 2004
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Tue Nov 30 19:18:36 2004
-->You are now talking on #schooltool19:18
---Topic for #schooltool is http://schooltool.org19:18
---Topic for #schooltool set by Aiste at Mon Oct 18 12:47:26 200419:18
th1aHow about: XML and iCalendar messages can be PUT or GET to this interface via HTTP, allowing all of SchoolTool's functionality can be accesed by third party client applications.  This API is described at: 19:20
th1acan be/to be19:20
th1aI'm not sure where the docs end up in a Debian installation.19:21
jintyhmmm, this question is aimed at an administrator who has do decide what interfaces to set up. I don't think it needs to be that detailed.19:21
th1aAh.  I'm trying to make it too much of an advertisement, perhaps.19:23
jintyPerhaps: This interface is used by SchoolTool for communicating with non-HTML clients such as the graphical/command line schooltool clients and iCalender clients.19:24
jintyMore information can be found in /usr/share/doc/$packagename19:24
th1aWell, change RESTive in the first sentence to "web services" and use this for the second sentence:  XML and iCalendar messages can be PUT or GET to this interface via HTTP.19:25
th1aWhich describes "RESTive" without depending on the buzzword.19:25
th1amgedmin:  It doesn't make sense to set a Teacher facet without also designating a class which is taught, right?19:30
mgedminit does, sometimes19:34
th1ajinty:  We need to add something like this to "known issues:"  SchoolTool 0.8 is not ready for production use in schools with private information about students.  Information such as the names of users and their group memberships is currently publically accessible via the XML web services interface.  It is fine for resource scheduling and public calendars.19:36
th1amgedmin:  So right now, when I import a new teacher from persons.csv, I can tell that they're a teacher if they are added to the teacher group, but I don't yet know which groups they teach.  Can/should I add a teacher facet at that point?19:37
jintyth1a: ok, will add to the release notes and web page now. Still thinking about the question thing...19:38
th1amgedmin:  I'll also be setting the teaching relationship when I import the timetable.19:39
th1aPerhaps it already does that...19:40
mgedminit should work like this:19:40
mgedminif you want to say that person X is a teacher, you add him/her to the Teachers group19:40
mgedmina side effect of the addition is that a teacher facet is added (or activated) on that person19:41
mgedminthis side effect seems to be broken when you add members via the web interface19:41
th1aIn browser/ it used to call "Teaching(teacher=person, taught=self.groups[group])19:43
th1aWhen you added a teacher.19:43
th1aSo it was done explicitly, not as a side effect.19:44
mgedminthe line you quoted has nothing to do with facets19:49
mgedminit establises a Teaching relationship19:49
th1aI guess I'm still conflating Relationships and Facets in my mind.19:50
-->SteveA ( has joined #schooltool19:57
jintyDone with the issue, how about this for the questions, I tried to combine both our needs:19:59
jintyTemplate: schooltool/listen_ssl20:00
jintyType: string20:00
jinty_Description: Interfaces for SchoolTool XML web services20:00
jinty Please type in a space separated list of [address:]port values that you20:00
jinty would like the server to listen on.20:00
jinty .20:00
jinty This interface is used by SchoolTool for communicating with non-HTML20:00
jinty clients such as the SchoolTool and 3rd party clients. XML and iCalendar20:00
jinty messages can be PUT or GET to this interface via HTTP allowing access20:00
jinty to all SchoolTool functionality. 20:00
jinty .20:00
jinty This is an SSL version of this interface and will only accept SSL20:00
jinty connections.20:00
jintyTemplate: schooltool/web_ssl20:00
jintyType: string20:00
jinty_Description: Interfaces for the HTML browser interface 20:00
jinty Please type in a space separated list of [address:]port values that you20:00
jinty would like the server to listen on.20:00
jinty .20:00
jinty The web interface provides access to SchoolTool via any standard web browser.20:00
jinty .20:00
jinty This is an SSL version of this interface and will only accept SSL20:00
jinty connections.20:00
jintyThese are for the SSL intefaces, so have the extra scentence at the bottom...20:01
th1aOK.  That sounds good.20:01
th1aWell, maybe we should cite a calendar client as an example, like Mozilla Calendar.20:02
th1aFor the REST interface.20:02
th1aOK, upon further review, teacher facets are still being set properly by csv import (I assumed it wasn't happening since I wasn't doing it explicitly).20:04
th1aDoesn't explain why this happens via CSV but not when you add someone to the Teacher group via the web.20:06
jintygood idea, I'll do it like this: clients such as the SchoolTool and 3rd party clients (e.g. Mozilla Calender). XML and iCalendar20:08
th1ajinty:  I guess I don't have to fix that bug after all, but we do need to add another known issue.20:21
---pere is now known as pere_poff20:22
th1aissue:  Teachers should only be added to the system via csv import.  If they are added individually via web forms, they will lack some functionality.20:25
jintyOk, If you give me a text for it, I can start packaging.20:25
th1aLet me update the documentation on the csv page, then I'll be done.20:25
jintyOk, let me know.20:27
th1aThere's a lot to type...  working on it.20:46
jintyI'm not in too much of a hurry - enjoying the thread on debian-devel about an erotic packages at the moment:)20:49
th1aDoes that include Ubuntu themes?20:49
jintyno, somebody wants to package a "hot-babe - rather erotic graphical system activity monitor" and started a flamewar20:51
jintywell, "discussion"20:51
th1aI think that system monitor could lead to a lot of unnecessary kernel re-compiling.20:53
mgedmin'while :; do :; done' would suffice20:54
jintyAnd definately a lot of irony on debian devel. They compare it to the bible and anarchism FAQ debian already ships with20:54
jintyeven there are some serious people trying to make a "policy"21:00
th1aOK.  I've committed (to the trunk).21:12
th1aI will now take a shower, brush my teeth, get dressed, etc.21:12
jintyGood luck. BTW being a professional insomniac is not a good carrer path.21:14
jintyI'll get it done tonight21:14
th1aExcellent.  Thanks.21:29
<--jinty has quit (Remote closed the connection)22:54

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