Entering Data: Web Interface or Import?ΒΆ

Setting up and entering data into a student information system is, unfortunately, often a time-consuming and complex process. SchoolTool strives to provide a variety of methods appropriate to deployments of different scales and technical capacity.

Currently the three primary methods are:

  • manual data entry via web forms;
  • importing via a set of spreadsheets;
  • importing data through comma separated value (CSV) files.

Where you are pulling data from outside sources, spreadsheet and CSV import is likely to be most efficient. When you’re entering data not available in another digital format, or setting up the basic components of the system like years and timetables, the web interface is usually the friendliest route. The web forms do a better job of guiding you step by step and validating input.

Of the two import methods, the spreadsheet import is most complete and actively maintained. It is also the best method for exporting the configuration of the school and re-importing later or on a different instance.

As we progress through setting up different parts of the system we will discuss the various options at each step. We will also note which steps can be skipped for different types of usage, such as an individual teacher using SchoolTool as a gradebook.

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School Setup

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Creating Years

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