1.6 Release Notes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SchoolTool Release ================== 1.6.0 (2011-04-26) ------------------ Final release for Natty - New umbrella project https://launchpad.net/schooltool.release - Add schooltool.commendation plugin that was split from schooltool. 1.6.0b1 (2011-04-20) -------------------- Beta1 for Natty - Update to ZTK 1.0.2 - Plugins now have optional optional inter-dependencies, include meta.zcml that defines a feature before including plugin.zcml. 1.6.0a1 (2011-02-23) -------------------- Alpha1 for Natty - Update to ZTK 1.0.1 - Update external dependencies versions to match Natty: + PIL 1.1.7 + Reportlab 2.5 + lxml 2.3 - Add ttf-liberation external dependency. - Removed deprecated Zope dependencies: + zope.app.catalog + zope.app.intid + zope.app.session + zope.app.zptpage - Remove schooltool.stapp2008fall from package set. SchoolTool ========== 1.6.0 (2011-04-25) ------------------ - Move schooltool.commendation example plugin into its own project https://launchpad.net/schooltool.commendation - Workaround tests failing if translations have been compiled (https://launchpad.net/bugs/79761). - Fixed crashes when term title is "First" or "Last" (https://launchpad.net/bugs/485639). 1.6.0b1 (2011-04-18) -------------------- New features ++++++++++++ - Added report package (https://launchpad.net/bugs/429588) + New Manage->Reports page listing all available reports. + New reportLink directive for registering reports. + Copied translations from gradebook. - Removed 'Report a bug on Launchpad' link from the footer - Include meta.zcml of plugins first to allow them have optional dependencies. - Updated translations. 1.6.0a1 (2011-02-23) -------------------- New features ++++++++++++ - Added boolean demographic fields. - Added customizable fields for resources. - Added limit keys property to demographic fields. - Created group-aware (teacher, student, administrator) person add views. - Use Liberation fonts instead of non-free Microsoft fonts (https://launchpad.net/bugs/371655). You have to edit schooltool.conf and change msttcorefonts to ttf-liberation to re-enable PDF generation. - Update included jQuery to 1.5 (https://launchpad.net/bugs/588645). - Developer documentation can be generated from source. Cleanup +++++++ - Removed obsolete dependencies, support upgrading from schooltool >= 1.0 only. - Removed obsolete config keys. - Renamed the default schooltool application to schooltool.standard. SchoolTool Gradebook ==================== 0.9.0 (2011-04-25) ------------------ Improvements ++++++++++++ - Make gradebook.js static thus greatly improving Gradebook performance. - Reports action menus were moved to schooltool 1.6.0b1. Register our reports using the new ``reportLink`` directive. - Add meta.zcml to support making this plugin optional. - Added ``printGradebook`` helper to print the gradebook in ftests. - Make dependency on schooltool.lyceum.journal optional (https://launchpad.net/bugs/768885). Bug fixes +++++++++ - Removed width restriction on names in layout report card view (https://launchpad.net/bugs/643700) - Fixed linked column forms to use activity categories properly (https://launchpad.net/bugs/703078) - Fixed the Detailed Student Report to show data only from the selected term and not the whole school year - Save due_date attribute in New Activity form (https://launchpad.net/bugs/700520) - Update translations. 0.9.0a1 (2011-02-23) -------------------- - Fixed default category selection for new activity form (https://launchpad.net/bugs/562875) - Sort student names in the gradebook according to locale. - Split and improve functional tests. SchoolTool Lyceum Journal ========================= 0.7.2 (2011-04-18) ------------------ - Add meta.zcml to support making this plugin optional. - Update translations.